which two details best support the answer to part a

Part A Research has shown that these readers can not only assist with faster, Which of the following are characteristics of state prisons? It got so vivid that, with a little uneasy laugh, he felt on the table for a glass containing a little water to throw over it." (Paragraph 65) what does the line reveal about the speaker's feelings for her husband? Select the highlighted portion of the passage that best supports the answer in Part A. D. Sachiko could see it all even now, here inside with her eyes closed. select two statements from paragraphs 8-11 that best demonstrate how the author uses rhetoric to help readers better understand the relationship between einstein's theory and alcubierre's discovery. A two-way ANOVA model is used to analyze the effects of two independent variables, also known as factors, on a continuous dependent variable. Which quotation from paragraph 1 of the dissenting opinion supports the answer to part A? This 10 minute timer counts down silently until it reaches 0:00, then gentle beeping alerts you that the time is up.But there was a moment to savour for Stanley as 18-year-old Leslie Adekoya pulled a goal back nine minutes from time. The researchers concluded that proper exercise and nutrition on long journeys in space decreased astronauts' bone density loss. The lawyer proposes that he will remain in solitary confinement even longer than the banker suggests.6. she presents logical appeals to convince the audience that supporting women's rights is a necessary next step for the country. Capital punishment kills a man at once, but lifelong imprisonment kills him slowly. part b: "the needs of the present absorbed her every faculty." Do you think feudalism would work in modern society? (paragraph 12). Image transcription text. How does paragraph 8 help to develop the author's ideas? Hes been upstairs waiting, to see me for two hours! another man called out in the direction of, a group of corrections officers sitting and talking out of view., Around midnight, after 34 hours in custody, I was led to a. courtroom upstairs to be arraigned. although he means an approximations that he did not confirm an allowed, other scientists' experiments proved his approximations were accurate. XXX she knows her husband cares about her despite his teasing, and she loves him without question. It shocks him and makes him feel unsure about the future .-Is how reading the Proclamation most affected Hagop. 20/3 Pursuing knowledge and bettering yourself is the best way to spend your time. Select the four statements that together best create an objective summary of the text. Number one, the media, the corporate media for two years has been lying about this. e. faith; trust UPS Customer Centers: On-site UPS Evening hours are the hours of each day between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. the time after office hours and just before the sun sets. The desire to prove to others that you're right can lead to extreme actions. If you have questions regarding this product, assembly of furniture or product operation, please call 1-866-238-0531 for Customer Support Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm CST. i want a answer. Bangladesh ( / bld, b -/; [15] Bengali: , pronounced [balade] ( listen) ), officially the People's Republic of Bangladesh, is a country in South Asia. "I doubt not, sometimes, that you may steal; / What then? the paragraphs contrast the actions of two suffrage organizations, explaining how they fought for suffrage in different ways. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Though I was the one clearly breaking a law, they went after him." (Paragraph 10) B. Her birth mother was unable to care for her children. (Paragraph 7) C. On a field trip with her daycare class, six-year-old Simone was introduced to her sport at Bannons Gymnastix. (Paragraph 8) D. I loved the idea of flipping around, and the center saw something in me, so they sent home a letter to my parents encouraging me to join (Paragraph 9) E. In order to master the variety of skills needed to excel at the four events in her sport, Simone trains five to six hours a day, year-round. (Paragraph 12) F. Remember to have as much fun as you can, but keep in mind, win or lose, you still have your whole life ahead. 2: Richard Feynman developed a theory that came to be known as quantum electrodynamics. part a: in what way does the love the speaker of the poem has for her husband differ from the love mrs. mallard has for her husband? The banker mourns the life and experiences that he has deprived the lawyer of.D. Assignment details. The bankers passionate defense of his views gets him into dangerous situations.7. PART A: Which statement best expresses a central idea in the story PART B: Which TWO details from the text best support the answer to Part A? Part A: what does the author mean when he writes that space is a fabric warped by gravity in paragraph 9? B- They offer inservice training for newly-hired. They have been labeling as misinformation and . It is the eighth-most populous country in the world . what is the meaning of the word irrigate as it is used in the sentence? A study was. k. eat greedily n. believe I say three or four, because you wont stay longer. (Paragraph 11)C. Desperate gambling on the Stock Exchange, wild speculation and the excitability which he could not get over even in advancing years, had by degrees led to the decline of his fortune and the proud, fearless, self-confident millionaire had become a banker of middling rank, trembling at every rise and fall in his investments. (Paragraph 22)D. he is asleep and most likely dreaming of the millions. incorrect: the narrator reveals that her ideas sometimes conflict with those of her husband. Part A(WRONG) How do paragraphs 5-7 most develop a claim made by the author? B. Answer only. 9-12.pdf, JM Interactive Notes - Part 1_ Ch. Which executioner is the more humane, he who kills you in a few minutes or he who drags the life out of you in the course of many years? (Paragraph 1)B. You need to submit each question one at a time. PART B: Which TWO details from the text best support the answer to Part A?A. In response, police have increased their presence in the neighborhood. PART B: Which TWO details from the text best support the answer to Part A? The desire to prove to others that youre right can lead to extreme actions. What is the main purpose of the dissenting opinion? Part B A. Monkey's Paw A. c. order; command; commit How does the lawyers 15-year imprisonment affect the banker?A. After flying high through the air, Simone lands on her feet, and the crowd roars." (Paragraph 3) B. Pursuing knowledge and bettering yourself is the best way to spend your time.B. it reflects the speaker's anger at her husband's attempt to diminish her. which quotation from paragraph 7 supports the answer Part A? [tex] A- They may lack resources for programming and prison industries. Part B: which summary provides the best support for the answer to Part A? this can be different from yours (this always happens to final exams for english). D. "the action of the school authorities appears to have been based upon an urgent wish to avoid the controversy which might result form the expression". Police in the city of Chicago will be putting most of the recently graduated probationary police officers in the heart of downtown over the summer. PART B: Which TWO details from the text best support the answer to Part A? How does reading the proclamation most affect Hagop? The last face was so horrible and so simian that he gazed at it in amazement. Weegy: A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to Weegy: 15 ? Which additional line from the text best achieves the same impact described in the answer to Part A? GetHuman8109505's next move: call E.ON. select a detail from paragraphs 11-13 that supports the answer to part a. part a: at the beginning, the main character believes she must carefully plan how best to spend the money, but at the end, she chooses to re-assert her identity. "Even though the flyer advertises this book as dystopian, there's some dissent. Most of the Q Link Wireless phones on this list support 5G. User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. C. Greed and impulsive decisions can lead to huge consequences. Ask a tutor in any subject. A. " two charge particles exchanging one light particle". which detail from paragraphs 7-9 best supports the meaning of the term photon? around that" (Paragraph 5) B. The bankers disregard for human life shows the extent of his lack ofcompassion for others.C. answered PART B: Which TWO details from the text best support the answer to Part A? In the story Cell One how does seeing the old man in prison affect Nnamabia? Use a complete sentence. (XXX)He begins by describing the process of gold mining, offers historical context, then ends by recounting specific examples of how gold mining has been harmful. in paragraph 7, Mrs. Harris thinks that Mr. Harris will "spring to Earth on reaching the summit, and lean in a careless and graceful attitude against the machine, waiting for her." correct: the narrator worries that there is something odd about the old house's atmosphere. PART B: Which TWO details best support the answer to Part A? PART B: Which TWO details from the text best support the answer to Part A? "The last face was so horrible and so simian that he gazed at it in amazement. answer choices They describe a problem and give a possible solution that the author will explain in detail. What was If I do pay him, it is all over with me: I shall be utterly ruined. (Paragraph 21)C. At the table a man unlike ordinary people was sitting motionless. Seeking an after-school job, 1 found one at a printing plant. A. What contributions did Cyrus McCormick and John Deere make to farming? C. the idea that some people may be hesitant to express views that deviate from the views of the majority. 25-May-2022 . The desire to prove to others that youre right can lead to extreme actions.C. Part B Part A My question is: Words: 0, Characters: 0. the last line of the poem impacts the meaning of love by suggesting that she and her husband should love each other so strong that they can live forever by their love. part b: "abandoned herself to some mechanical impulse thatfreed her of responsibility" (paragraph 12). C. the dirty, shrivled little paw was pitched on the sideboard with a carelessness which betokened no great belief in its virtues, D. I suppose all soldirs are the same said Mrs. white the idea of our listening to such nonsense, E. i am afraid it'll turn into a mean avaricious man and we shall have to disown you. why does the speaker use the word recompense in line 8? PART B: Which TWO details best support the answer to Part A?A. (keep in mind that it has to be categorized in order but i got the last three wrong). The bankers adventurous spirit prompts him to create dangerous or riskysituations.D. 2. topic: languages; purpose: describe_____. (paragraph 7). A. answered expert verified PART B: Which TWO details from the text best support the answer to Part A? Part B: select two quotations from the passage that best support the answer to Part A. Life was not always easy for Simone. 4. Discuss the accomplishments of the "New Frontier," President Kennedy's domestic policy plan. answer choices "Only two hundred feet above the ground she straightened out the tumbling aircraft and soared back into the sky." (Paragraph 2) "After the United States entered World War I in 1917, soldiers returning from the war often came to the shop. User: She worked really hard on the project. Part B(WRONG) Think better of it, young man, while there is still time. What strengths and weaknesses can you identify in feudalism? They establish a cheerful mood to show how the family feels about their wish being granted. On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. Part A: the author builds an explanation of the limitations of a spaceship's speed as a transition to a description of how warp speed theory works. A. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. (a) (b) (t) (e) (p)(u) (h) (g) (e) (v). For each statement below, determine if it is a claim that is made and effectively supported in the passage, a claim that is made but not effectively supported in the passage, or a claim that is not made in the passage. He was a skeleton with the skin drawn tight over his bones, with long curls like a womans and a shaggy beard. (Paragraph 29)D. And I have only to take this half-dead man, throw him on the bed, stifle him a little with the pillow, and the most conscientious expert would find no sign of a violent death. (Paragraph 30)3. (XXX)by intriguing readers about Tetsuya's mysterious background. PART B: Which paragraph from the short story best supports the answer to Part A?A. g. killing; killer Fly High, Bessie Coleman, PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A? (XXX)"Heat, torrential wet-season rain, and fever challenged even the toughest." Researchers found. A. Surely it was the impressive moment of the evening, the moment that made the firefly hunt worth while A firefly hunt has indeed none of the radiance of a cherry blossom party. Math symbol tips. "The officers grumbled a few choice curse words and then ran down the stairs in pursuit of the young man. which statement best expresses what the house, as the setting for the story, symbolizes in the passage? part a: what does the expression better days mean as it is used in the passage? All hunts are all-inclusive and include lodging, meals, and guides.Arrive December 3 2022 Depart 7th RESERVATION Fill Out the Form or . Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A? D. There is nothing worse than depriving someone of human contact. cite evidence to support your analysis. A. State a theme that is consistent with the topic and the purpose given. the ability of the brain to focus on a task or ideas A. Poor beast, you must live!" (Lines 13-14) What are synonyms and how does their use benefit my writing? After flying high through the air, Simone lands on her feet, and the crowd roars. (Paragraph 3) B. which evidence from paragraph 2 best helps the reader understand the meaning of heresies? The Industrial Revolution contributed to the Panic of 1819 by? part b: select a detail from the passage that best supports the answer to part a. part a: XXX mrs. sommers preferred the life of a single woman. throughout the passage the author build suspense. part a: XXX it introduces the main character in a way that emphasizes her physical frailty. Choose the antonym for the underlined word. The difficulty of shooting an arrow from the bridge symbolizes the mental obstacles one must face in life. = 2 1/4. true, abiding love requires mutual respect. No claim will be accepted for image mismatch. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Whom did the New Deal help the least? It offers evidence about another factor that contributes to musical ability. generation of electricity. A. Answer each question. Part B: the women continue to urge Congress and the President to give them voting rights while actively participating in organizations such as women's committee of the council of national defense. More books than SparkNotes. " 'nowadays Einstein's equation is used everyday in medicine' adds Cristina Lois."(p. 14), English 11B - Unit One: Something's Gotten Ho, History: USA KT1.7 - KKK & Racial Tensions, English 11a - Unit Three: Back to Life, back, English 11a - Unit Two: She Blinded Me with S, English 11a - Unit Four: Fight for your Right, Professional Sales - Unit 2: Business Ethics, Algebra 2 B - Unit 2: Exponential and Logarit, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. how are the details about Mie's interest in the red cranes important to the development of a central theme in the passage? User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? which idea referred to in paragraph 4 provides the best contacts for determining the meaning of permissive? More books than SparkNotes. What hardships did these individuals continue to suffer? Part 1 Answer both questions. The model is often expressed as follows: Y i j = + i + j + ( ) i j + i j. Part A: she alludes to the country's past and present circumstances. (paragraph 4). how does the narrator's question And what could one do? 3: Feynman's theory explains how the exchange of "virtual" photons helps electrically charged particles exert electric and magnetic forces on each other. Answered by jill d #170087 on 10/7/2019 6:27 PM which quote from the passage provides the best example of NAWSA's actions as they continued to press for women's rights? The desire to prove to others that youre right can lead to extreme actions. The last face was so horrible and so simian that he gazed at it with amazment. See photos for more details. More Real Estate News articles. UPS Drop Boxes: For 24/7 drop-off. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. This is Elk Hunting at its best. Part A: she uses the quotations as evidence for the argument that a democratic government must give all citizens the same rights. I, knew that regular family contact has been shown to reduce, Just Mercy A Story of Justice and Redemption. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. U.S. New-Home Sales Rise by 7.2% Despite Weakness in the Broader Sector. Image may differ with actual product's layout, color, size & dimension. it suggests that she feels powerless to assert herself. PART B: Which TWO details best support the answer to Part A? "she would live for herself." Q Link Wireless phones to buy for 2023. There is nothing worse than depriving someone of human contact.2. how do millay's choices concerning how to structure line 9 contribute to the overall meaning of the poem? Then place the statements in the correct order into the boxes below. What 5 character traits describe Nag in the story "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" by Rudyard Kipling? To me two million is a trifle, but you are losing three or four of the best years of your life. as [sunlight] streamed over the breakfast table Herbert laughed at his fears.(Paragraph 66)C. the dirty, shriveled little paw was pitched on the sideboard with a carelessnesswhich betokened no great belief in its virtues. (Paragraph 66)D. I suppose all soldiers are the same, said Mrs. White. answer choices Take a guess and hope that you're correct. These Q Link Wireless compatible phones are available online on Amazon and eBay. Dark, dreamy, rather might one say? Part B: "detailed measurements 'show that Einstein's equation works perfectly.'"(p. 11) PART B: Which TWO details from the text best support the answers to. This is incredibly relevant on a number of fronts. Give one example of a flashback. The cruel plough passed / Out . Bidding: By bidding on items, bidders understand and accept all of the following: All merchandise is sold in AS IS condition. incorrect: the narrator implies that she suffers from a nervous condition brought about by too much isolation. Though I was the one clearly, breaking a law, they went after him. (Paragraph 10), I moved closer, within 10 feet of him, and tagged it again. scientists used to think mass and energy were distinct, but Einstein prove they were linked. which quotation from paragraph 3 helps clarify the meaning of resonant? [RL.1] A. (XXX) Intelectual ability. The bankers hasty and thoughtless actions lead to trouble and despair for him.B. "for anyone who deliberately or unknowingly sets aside a part of the truth will. "she saw him pass the summit and proceed rapidly down a long and steep incline", myPerspectives: English Language Arts, Grade 7, myPerspectives: English Language Arts Volume 1, California Grade 10, myPerspectives: English Language Arts, California (Grade 9, Volume 1), myPerspectives: American Literature, California Volume 1. it underscores the temptation mrs. sommers feels to give in to her desire. Perhaps something of the child's world, the world of the fairy story in it Something not to be painted but to be set to music, the mood of it taken up on a piano or a koto. Itgot so vivid that, with a little uneasy laugh, he felt on the table for a glasscontaining a little water to throw over it. (Paragraph 65)B. Explanation. He threw himself eagerly into these studies so much so that the banker had enough to do to get him the books he ordered. (Paragraph 16)B. (paragraph 13). which two quotations from the passage directly supports the central argument of the majority opinion? They hope the increase in police presence will. IP Phone Set All Brands Yealink Yealink SIP-T31P 2-Line Mid-level IP Phone N.B. which statement best reflects two central ideas of paragraphs 1-5? The banker wishes that he had required the lawyer to stay imprisoned for longer.B. 2. a. live; alive Why do scholars think that the cities of Huari and Tiahuanaco were affiliated by either trade or religion? Part B (WRONG) (XXX)"'That's why I've been travelling all these days, in order to challenge him and put an end to a reputation he no longer deserves.'" (paragraph 4) "The Court's holding in this case ushers in what I deem to be an entirely new era in which the power to control pupils by the elected 'officials of state supported public schools" in the United States is in ultimate effect transferred to the Supreme Court.". Part A Q Link Wireless's best phone deals for Android and Apple devices. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Which two details from the article most help develop a claim the author makes about astronaut's use of the ARED device? Each time, the guards saw a young professional in a suit, not the suspect they had in mind, and each time they, handed me back my license and turned me away., When will you let me see my attorney? which statement best describes the structure of paragraph 3-8 in the effect of that structure? Using information from the article, select the statement that best describes the effect of the causes listed in the chart. Part A Surely it was the impressive moment of the evening, the moment that made the firefly hunt worth while . B. Which structure contributes most directly to suspense? Part B(WRONG) Hunts run for 3 consecutive days and we can usually accommodate groups of any size but contact us for more details. Part B By our agreement I ought to pay him two million. Jefferson's main reason for purchasing C. it establishes miscommunication as a central theme for the passage, select a subsequent paragraph that further develops the answer to part A. Select ALL that apply. What does the word eluded mean as it is used in paragraph 9? answer choices "I'm truly sorry man's dominion / Has broken Nature's social union" (Lines 7-8) "I doubt not, sometimes, that you may steal; / What then? B. Using demand, supply and elasticity analysis, provide some suggestions on how governments can use their power to affect young smoker's behaviour . Try all of the answers in sentence and choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word. = 15 * 3/20 "I'm truly sorry man's dominion / Has broken Nature's social union" (Lines 7-8) B. Community members have been reporting an increase in package thefts from porches and burglary of autos over the last few weeks. Companies respond better when others are watching. Primavera online high school. A. (paragraph 10). how did Feynman's theory of quantum electrodynamics improve upon earlier theories? How effectively does the description of Nag in paragraph 23 of "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" evoke the image that he . Give two examples of foreshadowing in the story. 5-8.docx, To allow other parameterizations for an exponential family of densities let , Playground-Associate-CCC-for-Arts-Culture-and-Fun-4-26-21-rev__6086f53ddc01d.pdf, 2016 WC Metro South PhySci Gr 12 Sep Exam P2 Memo.pdf, EFFECT OF TECHNOLOGY IN HUMAN INTERACTION 8.docx, One of the following reactions does not represent redox reaction a 2Al 6HCl 3H 2, Sue E. Huether, Kathryn L. 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A. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. which language feature provides context for determining the meaning of arrogates? PART A: Which statement best expresses a theme in the story?A. 12. A. diagnosis of diseases n. all; every; everywhere. Consider the medieval order of feudalism. Question 5 120 seconds Q. The author begins the excerpt by mentioning a strange house Sachiko stayed in. blue line train tracker Costco - Okatie, SC - Hours & Store Details. Will the right college major get you a job.docx, Should_we_scoff_at_the_idea_of_love_at_first_sight_-teacher.pdf, Copy of JM Interactive Notes - Part 3_ Ch. (paragraph 26). which paragraph focus on the red cranes provides the best support for the answer to part a? Is an unwieldy\underline{\text{unwieldy }}unwieldypackage something you would want to carry far? How does the author develop the claim that practice is important to musical ability? PART B: Which TWO details from the text best support the answer to Part A?

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which two details best support the answer to part a