blind taylor worm fanfic

Press J to jump to the feed. Doing factory work while others", His guide cut him off. Fics where Tinker!Taylor builds and fights with interstellar warships (and possibly ends up pioneering a space industry)? Theres Monster, and How I Met Your Monster, which follow taylor with Night's powers and cherie vasil. In all likelihood, her job was next. Her primary power allows her to enter a kind of time-frozen "ghost realm" as long as she is not being directly visually observed by any sapient being, bringing anything she is wearing or carrying with her. Not as crazy broken as blanket but seriously op. The old man notes that this is the first time anyone offered him the use of their umbrella, or kindness on such a level as her. However, due to being somewhat high on painkillers when she figures it out, she believes she has a strange limit all plans she makes must in some way involve food. Also, is she limited to just one boost at a time, or can she train to split her focus across more than one? Its function is awkward and inconsistent enough that she still needs day-to-day professional assistance to go out in public. The screech of metal greeted Weld as he entered the warehouse. 40 "Not a very fair question, is it?" He was a way for Taylor to escape, to be someone else for a little while, a person that had none of her problems or issues. Revenant. "Are you already aware of my rules?". She pulled back as if she had been slapped and for a moment her face twisted, her lips pulling back in a snarl. Taylor nodded as she took Weld's phone inspecting it. No white noise to soothe him. We understand better than anyone else their thoughts and feelings.". Maybe he improvised and got that last one with something that disoriented people into passing out. She theorized. Looking for Taylor meets Hookwolf at the gym. Still blind in one eye, though, fwiw. Taylor reassured him, "I want to contribute. Using this ability rapidly tires her. Weld tried to focus on the buzz of the flourescent lights, but as far as white noise went, that was a little too quiet. She would have to leave the armor behind, however, and similarly could not exit her Breaker state in full view just because she herself is obscured; objects affected by her Breaker power are beholden to the same rules she is. Not primarily. "We will lead you out.". Will give some more commentary when I get through the other chapters. Each time I went through him, the smear effect became more pronounced and I grew more tired. I only had another week left before I was supposed to go back to school. She can process numerous separate perspectives on herself without issue. Intrepid, where she effectively has locked-in syndrome until Faultline arranges for a tinkered suit to compensate. The same wide mouth, the same thin figure even the same curly brown hair. The name is Weld, nice to meet you.. . Therapy is a Worm Fanfic by frommerman. IF YOU LEAVE THIS PAGE NOW, NO HARM WILL COME TO YOU. One of the construction worker Taylor's repeated, she had a black smudge across her cheek. The sun reflected off his chrome skin with a bright sheen. before?". After everything else had gone so well, he had ruined it at the end. And like the Amazons, they were deadly. 1.3 Adagio Three Capes a Caping, Two Good Friends, One Majorette and a New Face is Meeting Our T. You must log in or register to reply here. Her Shaker power passively causes static to appear for any cameras viewing her when she comes. And I have to ask, is the band coach a fan of a certain Polynesian deity, because that's an interesting collection of items in the closet. The whole 'fic so far is on par with early canon as far as we can tell (feeling wise not literally). Taylor's power is like the Cenobites, Amara from F.E.A.R. Again, she does not have access to her other two abilities while in Breaker form, but she does get several double-edged perks. Lord Doom is a Worm fanfiction posted on Spacebattles Dot Com, here. Abstract representations of Taylor (for example, a dot on a movement radar) don't activate her Thinker power, and neither do simulations of her (for example, if Coil is looking at her in universe A, universe B Taylor is not considered observed). I feel like there aren't many fics of good length that deal with a thinker Taylor. Taylor's other two powers do not function in this state. ", Weld's eyes widened and he turned to look at her. Privacy Policy. Anyway, no idea where you're going to take this, so I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes. Glowworm is a Worm fanfic written by redshirt. Even if no part of Taylor herself that is, skin is visible, this Thinker ability is liberal in its interpretation of looking at Taylor: The example Taylor uses is that if she wore a full bulky suit of armor her Thinker power would still count looking at the suit as looking at her. Blind due to injury and complications with being sent back. It makes sense, since shards want their hosts to be active out and about, getting into conflict and such. The theatricality, the bravado, the utter disregard for the thoughts of others, Lord Doom was all that and more. 2. He glanced at Taylor and saw her looking down at her sundae, but her eyes were distant. At some point since meeting her, she must have communicated his needs to herself and they had found Weld a chair he could actually sit on. Weld leaned back, setting the file down. Taylor looked up at Weld, her voice harder, "If I said no, then how pointless would that be? Taylor Hebert triggers with a rather strange ability, and this causes the domino effect across the events of Brockton Bay, where creatures of sexual lust and living make their home, and Taylor becomes the Breeder taking care of them. She leaned forward, her hand to her chest again, "But he's here. Burn just started, but has a psychic Taylor, If you count PtV, there's always Path to Munchies. Taylor says that if she pushes herself very hard, she can actually blow out bulbs, but that is the strongest feat she has accomplished. Thirty feet away and six and a half straight down, cicada larvae slowly crawled underground, most of their 17 year span lived completely out of human view. Further, Taylor is unable to locate Ms. Romano in the wake of the Locker, when she went missing, even with PtV, which a vanishingly small number of beings can do (but includes Eidolon, the Endbringers, and Scion). It was tiny from where he stood. Taylor can be insane as well. He thought of sailors washing up on the shore on an island of Amazons. Not only is picking on a blind girl too petty even for the Trio, not only has having to learn to care for a blind daughter helped her dad fight through the worst of his depression at losing his wife, but she even got superpowers out of the whole ordeal! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. "That's not what I meant.". From the start he had been a mask Taylor could put on that would let her confront the world. 741 guests "To be perfectly honest, Weld. All Taylor had to do was touch the right person and every Taylor would have knowledge of how to get into the Protectorate database. taken, most of them involving pulling from other vampire media. She said with only a hint of a sigh. Has a feeling of the Weeping Angels from Dr. Who. The new Empire cape is obviously part of her multi trigger, wonder how many others there are and how they all triggered. Mauling Snarks technically has her with a Trump power, but I feel like she uses it to function more as a Thinker 75% of the time. Nice! Got through the rest of the posted material and I just love this to bits. Here's a list of Worm isekais . The therapist had encouraged him to focus on his breathing before belatedly realizing he couldn't - Weld didn't breathe. She looked decidedly normal. Taylor handed the phone back to Weld and he pocketed it. You never walked into the villain's lair without some sort of plan of attack. Taylors primary, strongest power is a Breaker state that she can only enter when not observed. I'm only sleeping.". She cannot reenter the normal world in any location which is being directly observed by a sapient being, though she can move. Chapter 3 Ltd. Facebook Twitter Linkedin Instagram. When she finished, the process resumed effortlessly. Taylor ran a hand through her hair. People needed time to rest, to center, to refocus. 6.1 Crescendo Wake me up inside. So: Overhaul, where she was in the car wreck alongside Annette and the PRT are dragging their heels about letting her come up with her own solution for the crippling results. LORD DOOM IS MERCIFUL. Taylor discovers that she can also smear the smear (e.g., smearing something up, then smearing the smear itself to the right), resulting in the object following the path of the smear (up then right), if the object is light enough. "Makes it seem like you come here expecting a fight. Oh Good Hunter looks like it might be headed that way. Her fists clenched, "I have to. Yea, those are great horror, here's the first of the three snippets. Now this is a lovely day already. liberties . There was nothing for Weld to focus on. Thoughts on solutions? "Penny for your thoughts? I guess I'm still trying to wrap my head around it at all. She was probably feeling the pressure from the higher-ups. Advancing Technology has Taylor with what seems to be the power of advanced learning, and may be more than that. Very intense. Still, her advice had been sound and Weld used the ambient white noise to clear his thoughts. . She stood and turned to look at the sunset, her back to him. Eventually, it's revealed that her nickname is "Tessa," which is short for. As a result (and to further illustrate the Thinker ability by way of visualization), Taylor will always be looking at herself if she can see at all, since she only gets vision when in someones field of view. Contessa. Taylor would prefer to work alongside the Protectorate, not against them.". I mean I'm impressed." Not the most impressive powers, granted, but powers none the less. While your feet are stompin'. A pair hefted a bundle of steel pipes in silent unison and maneuvered past their fellows without even a word of warning. He was fairly sure she was the same one that he had met at the hut, but the reality was she could have easily swapped places with any of her doppelgangers when he hadn't been looking. Intercession, after Golden Morning, Contessa takes Taylor another world and hands her a baby Harry Potter to raise. Please consider turning it on! Taylor's power is like the Cenobites, Amara from F.E.A.R. Call my name and save me from the dark (wake me up), 6.0 Crescendo Say, say, say what you want. "Is that fact relevant to a tour of your city?", 14 Zusatz. I eventually decided to appear in front of her, but close enough that the dangerous end of the long rifle was. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. It's interesting to see an alt Taylor who doesn't have major league powers. Please inform your superiors of our proposal. It's not exactly Thinker power (?) Chapter 4, "Remember," Piggot said, "Don't call her Narcissa.". Taylor nodded as she took Weld's phone inspecting it. The construction workers. Taylor sees through the eyes of anyone that has any part of her in their field of vision. Taylor as a vampire based primarily on the Malkavian from Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, with some. JavaScript is disabled. They would have to be. From up here, the city looked almost normal. Two o'clock in the morning was not the 'happening' time to commit a crime, apparently. Hopefully, with the Protectorate.". I slowly slooooowly turned around, cowl obscuring my head and robe obscuring my shuffling feet as I appeared to rotate in place to face the heroines direction. "An older model, communicator only?". By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Pretending to be totally blind even when I could see my surroundings through someone else wasnt nearly as hard as you might think. Nice to meet you, Weld. "I can't reveal all the details, of course, but we've already secured a few contracts." Without a word said, the other Taylors relaxed a hair and slowed their pace, giving their coworker time to catch up. Silence answered him and Weld mentally berated himself. BlackHorse8986, Ventrisuriel, kevin0617, Jesienny, Yugonostalgia, Blizzardbob, Galaxy_Blaze, LostToLight, AngstApocalypse, SpookyOli, SpecGamer, Soyvolon, joker339, Dimasik841, General_Fiye, ABCelia, TheMultiverseTraveler, waves_under_stars, WDW, ava2607, waterflosser, WordForEveryStar, TheWatcher0711, taxemeEvasion, Psych0Geek, ZiaBlue, Peggysussy, Mitriss, Inclaireporeal, CopperGear, HP22h, Reko15, ruruwkzu, Amogo21, Glumski, Twei, Elbiguana, PinkPhysicist, Dragon_King_of_the_West, Bulder, sereminar, tambuli, Aselo, Epicgamer2034, legosif, halfcrazydoor, OrionVenator, CosmicPenguin, ChildGenius, Quebla, and 888 more users They are not affected in any way other than being pushed; the smear effect is likely just Taylors subjective experience of her power, or at most an effect confined to her Breaker-state world. Well, maybe it is more to the tune of a Slaanesh Horde of Chaos Marines. Hunter (Bloodborne cross, very spooky, very dark) and All Things Devoured (Dead Space necromorph alt!power, not quite as dark) by Unwelcome Storm, both in hiatus I think. It also has the effect of putting Leet in reach of Contessa's machinations, reducing her ultimate plan by several steps. Is it different from my other fics? She hadn't budged an inch. "We will lead you out." Weld blinked slowly. Have a chappie. She said icily. When all the gangs are invited to Somer's Rock to discuss the ongoing gang war, "For the record, we did invite the ABB. "I know they're afraid of me. It was hard to make that connection seeing a dozen of the girls working to repair a building. Contessa makes it clear to him with a single. Cutting Ties - Taylor uses Jack Slash's Thinker power to make friends. Path to Munchies is a Worm fan fiction by Merle Corey, completed in April 2017. I'll pass your proposal to the Protectorate. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Taylor gets manipulated by Mrs. Abbotson, an old friend of Annette's, in the wake of her first Path- that to getting cookies. I suppose youre the Protectorates representative? She said more than she asked. Camera Shy is a Worm alt-power fic by TheGreatGimmick. Still blind in one eye, though, fwiw. You crack the whip, shape-shift and trick the past again. Grind Chapter 1: 1-1, a X-overs + Worm Crossover fanfic | FanFiction Grind 1.1 I walked into the Library. She sat across from him at a plastic fold-out table, her hands folded together primly in front of her. Taylor frowned. After that, she deliberately put Taylor into a situation where she would trigger, which simultaneously caused Contessa herself to second-trigger from deliberately forcing someone she had grown to care for into a trigger event. Not primarily. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". No part too large or too small. And a disabled unpowered Taylor cannot really hold a fic bigger than a one-shot. I noticed that Stormtigers defensive blast earlier had knocked some of my hair loose, and it hung down out of the thick hood. Lord Doom is a Worm fanfiction posted on Spacebattles Dot Com, here. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! Taylor goes to Harry Potter, and solves the saga in two years. When determining whether Taylor is or will be 'observed' for the purposes of allowing/disallowing her to transform to and from her Breaker state, Taylor's Breaker power is much more lenient regarding what 'counts' as 'looking at Taylor', compared to her Thinker power.

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blind taylor worm fanfic