angela delvecchio today

How so? Ive been suicidal just from being bullied. So this murderer just gets off free after 8 years and gets to live her life because (somebody picked on her)? When a car honked outside the house on Orchard Road around eight-thirty, Kirsten left the TV on, walked out to a mustard-colored Pinto and got in. View the profiles of professionals named "Angela Delvecchio" on LinkedIn. As for LF aka LP she just disappeared off the map somehow. Find out more here. If Kirsten was so mean, why didnt Bernadette just stay away from her? They seemed like perfect teenage girls living in the perfect town until a chilling act of jealousy ended a life and tore a community apart. Theres usually a reason why. I even was smart alecky as a teen, its just something that takes over your mind and body. Obviously we didnt know B was the killer. I have always treated others the way I want to be treated. I dealt with it so I know. Dont let this Corona Virus stop you? In 1994, the story was made into a television movie entitled A Friend to Die For (also known as Death of a Cheerleader), with Tori Spelling as Stacy Lockwood, a character based on Kirsten Costas and Kellie Martin as Angela Delvecchio, a character based on Bernadette Protti. If anyone was pushed to the brink, it was Kirsten, but instead of reacting violently, she fled from Bernadettes car. That dont make her a terrible person cause she hand probaly only a handful she did t like. She dared to say she could not commit suicide because her religion would not allow it, but did not take into consideration the life of Kirstens! Nancy I know exactly how you feel. As any 15 year old would.even today in 2015. Read the posts from August 2019. They were rich. A sane or fragile person would not have been able to endure being confronted with so much pain that they were responsible for, yet Bernadette could and did. We were never the same after that, Miramonte was never the same after that. I wasnt Popular and Kirsten liked me and was nice to me. I cant get to the point quickly. Her friends were all Pretty. So start the story there. I heard Kirsten was self absorbed, but no bully. Wouldnt she have something smaller, like a paring knife? My friend was a friend of hers. You got kids in all school people try to duck away from and avoid. Bernadette rang Kirstens mother to invite Kirsten to a non existent sorority dinner. Here you are, pretending you care, pretending you wanna help me, when all your really care about is being popular. But that has about a millionth of a percent chance of ever happening. A few left our school, one who went out with a lot of football players getting wasted, she was demonized badly also. Does it make you feel good to knowingly lie about a dead murdered girl? Kirstens family and Berns family were both Well off, Bern lived in a Richer part. We werent in the same grade I was one year ahead of her she acted as if she was better. Nickname: Sugar Pop. The day after the murder in June 1984, rumors had already spread at the tennis courts, down oak-shaded lanes and at poolside. Either way, it doesnt matter because Bernadette is a bitch, which is more important any day than looks. You know whats really sad? Kirsten loved playing Nancy Drew, she and her friends were crazy, I would tell them, I got to put up with you guys today. She killed a girl. She had a slumber party on her 15 th BD we all snuck into a pool and swam, (a fun night) and to bad she didnt get to celebrate her 16th Birthday, Art and Berit planned on taking us all to a Hotel and spend the night. Kirstens future was right there in front of her staring her in the face, like the prom, graduation and deciding what College she would of been going to and getting married and having Children. I liked School and I wasnt popular, but I still liked it. One of her relatives I asked how to get ahold of her, and they said she dont want to be bothered with anyone at all from her past, coworkers, former schoolmates and former friends, outside of family she dont want to talk to anyone. Tell me someone who is nice to every single person in the world and likes every single person in the world, if they do let me meet them. Word was that girls were safe because raping a girl is irresponsible and could get them fired because girls could get pregnant and priest need to bring money in, not pay out for 18 years. Me! I admit that 7 years was a bit brief but thats how it is when youre underage. Bernadettes family lived in a more expensive area than Kirsten, so what does that tell you? Angela was born to pitch. But this is just my opinion, dont come after me :/. Especially someone who not only blames the murder victim for her brutal murder, but also blames her innocent parents? I wouldnt have either. No justification for Murder. Reading, Pennsylvania, United States It would appear that kirsten marina costas was a spoilt rich kid who never had to go without any luxuries at all. I understand wanting to have what your friends have. Theyre not looking forward to seeing her. Your point is irrelevant and has absolutely nothing to do with the case. Kirsten wasnt a Bully, she was Conceited and stuck up. In addition to presenting the story as it was published in November of 1985, I have also added some photos from my own collection, including one from a trip she and I both took to Washington DC with a school group, as well as other pictures from our 85 class yearbook. Is it respectful to perpetuate lies about a murdered teenage girl due to a fictional depiction? Some girls said she was mean to people, we all have opinions, but Im sure she was smart alecky at times, what teen girl isnt, even Bernadette was I bet as well. Seriously, whats wrong with you? Others are not so lucky. I watched the movie again (both versions) and I have to agree with Miss Kiwi. You are lying. How is that possible. Kirsten May of had moments and been a Stuck up person, but that dont Justify murdering her. So some of them will say Orinda had snobs. So yes Kirstens friends still get together at times, but they dont discuss Bernadette or the death of Kirsten, as a matter of fact,( they dont want it brought up at all). Kirstens friendship meant so much to her, she would go on and on about it. In 1994, the story was made into a television movie entitled A Friend to Die For (also known as Death of a Cheerleader ), with Tori Spelling as Stacy Lockwood, a character based on Kirsten Costas and Kellie Martin as Angela Delvecchio, a character based on Bernadette Protti. I am shocked to even read that some people think this 15 year old girl deserved to die because she could be a little snobby at school, I personally would prefer my children to be friends at school with a snobby girl than a cold blooded killer! Also, Im flattered by the attention you gave me on the blog. Yes its ok to talk, but run it into the ground, it gets old after awhile. So I can tell you kids in these upper class schools are not angels and theyre raised not to be by their parents, who were the same way when they were in school. Several girls in Interviews said they didnt want to be found cause there years at Miramonte wasnt the best. She was mean and Stuck up also. Mats Above a girl is dead, as a result from the girl who had a Sweet Melancholy. Really? Bernadette Protti, a fellow student at Miramonte High School in California, was the one who took the life of Kirsten Costas in 1984. Google it and Season 1 thru 3 Lindsey is on there. Id been weirded out to. She was described as a nurturer in an episode of Killer Kids. That girl on Deadly Women who portrayed Kirsten was almost perfect, watch Landscape Suicide and they show a girl portraying Kirsten talking on the phone and laughing listening to Music, that is the closest to Kirsten Costas that can be described the best. I couldnt tell you if she was a snob or not. Heres how to party like its 1969, See some slimming and sexy 1960s stretch pants, Print Color Fun: Free coloring pages & more fun for kids, Quotes Quotes Quotes: 1000s of clever & inspiring quotations, Find answers to lifes little questions. How could a teenager have been that diabolical? In the meantime, the girl driving the Pinto had quickly parked and slid out of her own car. I believe Kirsten was going to out her for being weird and tell her weird conversation to her friends and put her at risk to be the butt of jokes. Its sad, but when all is said and done its not worth it. She didnt Bully Bernadette, Just was irritated cause she lied to her, and her mom about the Party, and all. I see why her Sisters and mom forgive her, theyre her family and family sticks by you. Her inadequacies were all created by her and in her own head and she murdered Kirsten as a result. I do believe she called Bernadette weird and threatened to expose her weirdness. Abe that was your downfall. Read the facts of the case instead of perpetuating lies that Kirsten pushed Bernadette or that she bullied Bernadette. Bernadette is Sick. You the one telling about the Bullied girls who were accused of the Crime. Bernadette chased her, tailgated her home when Alex Arnold took her home, if Bernadette hadnt of bothered her, she wouldnt of bothered Bernadette, she didnt have to like Bern, and she didnt owe Bern a thing. Probaly the one who gave details on all those bullied girls at Miramonte. Kirsten fell and sprang up again. She liked mostly everybody. if you came at her the wrong way like Bernadette did, or kids no one else liked cause they were so annoying to be around. Paris Mahone, did you even know Kirsten? All teen gals are (snotty) for the most part, but grow out of it. Details About His Custody, Dust Bunny: Who Is It? If Bernadette was so Sweet, why did she watch 2 girls take the blame? RELATED: 90210's Tori Spelling Can't Be on Real Housewives Because She's 'Too Nice'. She's the only backyard kid with a pitching rating of 10, and she does not disappoint. Kirsten was a straight A student and involved in activities, she wanted to run with top kids. Feeling bad for Bernadette bc was a pathetic, weak, emotionally unstable girl, fragile or whatever doesnt change the fact that shes also a murderer. She was full of life. Kirsten had a lot to look forward to. I was raised to treat others with respect. Also Bernadette wasnt bullied or singled out, thats BS. I dont know why you are saying nice things about Kristen she was very mean and she said stuff that offended people she stop acting like she was innocent. From the author who also runs this site: The yearbooks ARE in my private collection, as is the huge picture of us in Washington DC. I dont think it was so much bullying as it was insecurity, I think Bernadette said something that went all wrong in the car. She was happy go lucky mostly, she only had a couple (she didnt like), we all have someone we do t get long with. Shes still a Murderer and will never be anything but, as long as shes Alive, I wont forgive her for it, and neither will Kirstens family and friends. RELATED: Heroes: How Saving The Cheerleader Saved The World (It's Not What You Think. Protti changed her name to Jeannette Butler legally after the horrible incident. They had to leave school. You didnt read that. No one wanted to believe that the killer came from Orinda, the lush Northern California suburb where Kirsten lived. Bernadette was obsessed with her, a friend of ours, she thought Bernadette was guiltyall along. And anyone messed with one of us they had to take on all of us. Boys are Smart Aleck also, girls are Worse at it. Kirsten was just trying to find her way like we all were in a snobby, competitive crappy little town through the Caldecott tunnel. I didnt kill anyone, I went to college, had a successful career, a loving family and am happily retired with my husband who I met right after I graduated college in 1983. Also there Was another girl who went out with the football team and accused them all of raping her, not the entire team, but several players and I hear she was ran out as well and dogged by the Students. She called Kirsten names. Theres other Measures to take other than Murder. She probably just released her anger towards her so she could move on. Society in the richest places raise their children to be obnoxious and unbearable little freaks who will at some point push a normal person to the brink,so whatever happens is something they are a part of as well as the person they have pushed. The knife was her sisters for making lunch it was even in the movie that way. No matter if she was cocky or snobby; irrelevant. Kirsten May of been Stuck up and Caddy, most teen girls are, but she got along with almost everyone, she got along with Bernadette at first, till Bernadette kept trying to be her friend. I agree Bernadette should of at least got 20 years like (Karen Severson and Laura Doyle) murder of Missy Availa, that happened a year after Kirstens like 5 hours South of us. Kirsten had a good heart though. and the one who was ran out of School for getting drunk at a Party and messing with ajocks? [citation needed]. 400 North Ingalls Building. But they never said! The rest of you can lurk around and limp your hunchback selves to therapy. that HS was a tough place especially for girls. Its in a teen girls blood to be Caddy and mean its just normal, but that dont give anyone the right to take someone elses life. Angela was one heck of a woman. Bernadette then drove Kirsten to an empty car park at night and appears to have confessed feelings of admiration for Kirsten. She doesnt even want any former BFFs knowing her location anymore. You are disturbing and evil by stating that death was too good for Kirsten, an innocent victim of a brutal murder. I was in the artsy and nerd group to. You obviously are very contradicting since from gathering what the Hollywood movie has told you if Kirsten was truly a witch, then, Bernadette was a bigger idiot since she wanted to befriend such a person to begin with. lol Dylans mother saying We werent rich. Kirsten, who appeared tense but not terrified, said, My friend got weird on me. She asked to call home. I came across people like that in my in-laws family when I was married and it is pathetic the way older siblings are so selfish. They made it theyre choice to, like doing stupid stuff all the time. She let 2:girls take the blame. There was one that wrote in the1986 alumni that she wasnt desiring to be found cause the 4 years at Miramonte wasnt the best for her. I was there too. They went to parties or ran off with guys, guys had no right to take advantage of them, yes it was wrong, but they put themselves in that situation to where it could of been prevented. Her parents poor,.. yes, but spent money on that. Even if her friend was bullying dont give right to take life. Shes the Victim. The full length picture of Kirsten with her hair tied back is so cute. Kirsten told her she embarrassed her, and, she didnt want to be around her. It gave me the creeps. Others suffer more cause they experience the loss. Even a Mother of one of her friends said, Kirsten was like a Puppy and hugged people,,not exclusive and liked everyone. Bernadette then drove Kirsten to an empty car-park and appears to have confessed feelings of admiration for her. If you liked this article, please share it! It just became a War between the 2 which one was better, and Kirsten was, and Bernadette wanted to be, and Kirsten was in her way. Being disgusted with the the murderers nonchalant behaviour after her brutal crime? Any more update regarding Bernadette and the family members of both girls? The goth was actually into New Wave music and was not goth people at the school just thought she was weird for dying her hair New Wave because it was such a conservative school. Read the article, read more on the actual case, stop judging real people based on a low-budget lifetime movie. i dont want to hear poor bernadette was bullied no she had mental issues. But unfortunately for her all she was taught was whats the best material Possessions, popularity and the look at me attitude. This is Bern or her sister, or even BFF. She was just into herself more than a being a bully. The latest Tweets from Angela Del Vecchio (@angidelvecchio1) Kirsten was a Bully, I had heard she was,, and heard she wasnt and it was hard to picture her as a Bully. Star!! But I do agree in the movie Bernadette seemed dressed down the night of the murder and if she was really going to a popular party, bringing Kirsten and wanting to be seen as more popular, then she would have been dressed nicer. One was transferred there because of problems with boys. Angela Delvecchio is a married woman who resides in Portland, Oregon with her husband and their child at the present time. Learn how your comment data is processed. Still no one deserves to die. this is one reason that I really have a hard time with lifetime movies. Same for Karen Severson and Laura Doyle theyre cold blooded killers to, Missy was Kirstens age, this happened not long after Kirsten was Murdered. Bernadette had no reason to murder, shes just a cold blooded killer. The film is not a documentary but a fictional account of what happened, therefore the creators (writer Dan Bronson and director William A. Graham), although keeping the California setting, changed Kirsten Costas's name to Stacy Lockwood, played by Tori Spelling, and changed Bernadette Protti's name to Angela Delvecchio, who was played by Kellie Martin. I wasnt crazy about Kirsten Carrie, Christine and the rest, I knew how Kirsten, who had just finished her sophomore year at Miramonte, had started to change social circles back in junior high, recalls her good friend Diane MacDonald. It has changed a bit in Backyard Hockey because in the older games, her outfit looks like overalls. What bad behaviour? She was released the following year. So sad her life was shortened. Karen, its true, Bernadette was obsessed with Kirsten . we all need to teach our children to respect the feelings of others. Actress: Rocky Mountain Oysters. You cant go back in time. She and her friends were mostly ( stuck up) and self absorbed, She wasnt typically a bully just more snooty, at least thats how she appeared to me. The real death of a cheerleader story (1985) Her killer, whom Arnold and other witnesses later described as a round-faced blonde wearing a yellow shirt and faded red sweatpants, sped away in the Pinto. Bernadette was just as nice as we were on swim team together growing up. Did you ever think that she would not want to try to defend herself in court with letting out the terrible things Kristen said to her and how she berated her and others because she was sorry and she felt as though that would only add insult to injury to Kristens family? I'm all over it! Hollywood tends to make villains heroes, and innocent people into villains. She turned it about herself! Others are not so lucky. You never give examples of what Kirsten did. As I said, its possible Bernadette snapped and found the knife by chance; but if she hadnt of been so aggressive towards Kirsten to be her friend, she wouldnt of needed that knife. She slaughtered a girl. GG was the mutual friend of Kirsten and Bernadette, GG doesnt want anything to do with Bernadette again ever. She loved life, never seen her get ugly with anyone, I really cant picture that. Kirstens house was Smaller than Bernadettes, how was Kirsten all around was she friendly? I wasnt there, but it sounded like she was holding her till she agreed to be friends on her terms, (Bernadettes). As for the girls who got blamed, so sorry if your lives were miserable at the time, but remember Bernadette was scared herself and did t know what to do, she didnt aim for all that to come down. The tragedy is some of you morons cannot get through your head that you cannot make the world like you!!! And she still got a second chance at life. But it is a very old case and Bernadette is no where to be found,(or cares to be)by other than family. Maybe it wasnt a big national story at the time, and was more of a California Bay area story (Im from Illinois). . That child was a nightmare to her peers and friends (lets not forget how much she disrespected them every day). I know a person who knew her, she was a snob, so to speak, but she didnt deserve to die. Though mortally wounded, she ran to Arthur Hillmans house across the street for help. (The misfits) we really didnt see them as Misfits. The tunehas long been mistaken as a tribute to the Protti/Costas murder case. Why isnt anyone talking about the incompetency of the police here? Seems like alot of a holes justifying others that are a holes sorry no justification theres no reason to act like an a hole young or old, you treat all ppl with respect and the way you yourself would like to be treated dont need parents or Bible school to learn morality, any person who trust to justify any bad behavior has no morality or class in my opinion, and theres a post somewhere that says girls went along with bullying so they werent the ones being bullied lol, what a sad excuse thats called being a coward and a follower and has nothing to do with popularity depending on what ones warped definition is of popularity its not how a person looks or what they have or how they act but how they are perceived by what they do by inspiring ppl its being admirable and nothing is admirable about acting like trash talking scans that need to put others down to feel better about themselves thats just lowlives that probably pick on the handicaps as well real big of them, thats no one by definition that I popular some ppl must have thier definition all messed up and who says theyre popular anyway them lol Im sure every group thought they were the special ones, but by lowering ones level to picking on other ppl harassing demeaning and taunting them eventually theyre going to come across the wrong ppl who dont take that bs, and Im not justifying murder but it takes more than a bad comment on a pair of boots to push someone to that point, Im sure she didnt share all of the abuse she was subjected to, but I definitely compare scum that target other ppl to feel better about themselves like the leader of the holocaust and if thousands or plausibly millions werent followers of some psycho with an inflated ego than millions of ppl would have never been tortured or murdered all because scum bags like the ones that come up with excuses for bad behavior cant stand up for whats right because theyre pathetic loosers that are too afraid to stand up for whats right and they ate no better those ppl who did nothing and followed hitler were all conspirators and complicit and there are a multitude of cases just like that which is why ppl need to stop with there warped sense of wanting to belong to some misfit group that is the furthered thing from what is popular is really all about. This is what makes her an easy choice every single time. Did Kirsten deserve to die over it. Thisb isnt about Columbine, its about the Kirsten Costas case. It also tends to victimize blonds! Why couldnt her sister cut up the vegetables on the counter top where its sooo much easier??? She kissed the popular girls butt in order to be popular. I know. I didnt know her, but had a friend whos Facebook friend did. She got a short sentence because she was tried as a minor. She didnt bully Bernadette either. That was all taken from her, so unfair. Shes grown up a lot and isnt the same teen girl she use to be. Join Facebook to connect with Angela Delvecchio and others you may know. If so, sweetie I want to meet you. She slaughtered the girl. But most important to Kirsten was becoming a cheerleader. As DNA testing isthego-to for TV cops,Olivia Benson would have had Angela in cuffs by the end of the next school day. Your email address will not be published. Why are you contradicting yourself? You Mats that knows Kirsten, why was she so Mean? It was a tragedy that affected so many lives at that time. There have been a couple people in my youth that I thought were extremely mean to me. And yes Bernadette has enough problems, and theres Virus out there Worldwide that is killing people all over, and Rioters rioting in streets keeping the Virus alive, that is what the World needs to focus on today. Yes the guys should of paid for it, but the Judicial System is funny that way, unfortunately the girls paid for it. You know who you are to. I heard also Kirsten was just Self Absorbed to, but not a Bully. Remember teen girls will be teen girls, and they grow out of caddiness when they get older, but Kirsten never got that chance so so horrible. That other gal said Kirsten was Sweet that knew her. Thats how they rolled. All. How tragic she was murdered over basically nothing. The movie, like most movies, is no an accurate account. But for the most part Kirsten got along with mostly everyone. YOU NEED TO LEAVE BERNADETTE TO GOD, AND YOUR NOT HIM. The most obviously jealous studentor the quiet good girl no one would ever suspect? I didnt really know her, just who she was, same for Bernadette. The bullying, the lies, the jealousy and competition is so toxic and they will murder your soul. Sometimes she could come off the wrong way, but if someone rubbed her the wrong way, she would let them know. She wont be going back to Orinda its highly likely she wont. Bernadette made a horrible decision by ending a girls life, if she left her alone, B wouldnt be in the mess she got herself in, she kept pushing for her friendship. Required fields are marked *. As I wrote in a previous comment to you above rupaul/joy, if there was evidence of Kirsten bullying Bernadette, she would have given examples which would have strengthened her case and possibly portrayed her as a sympathetic character.

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angela delvecchio today