my husband defends his sister over me

There could be a circumstance when your husband really needs to give his family his undivided attention and financial help. But you do not need their permission for baby-making. And dont let another woman dishonor her husband by complaining to you. That could be an illness, the need to bail out from a debt or such similar situations. I don't tend to "sugar coat" many things. My husband keeps letting his sister bully me: Ask Ellie He believes you must handle this on your own, but that's cowardice on his part and/or he fears his sister And your husband ends up giving more importance to that because that is what he has been used to seeing in his family. My fiancs father has been a lifelong racist, though his family does not embrace those views. He knew I was mad because normally i would keep on (I know bad habit). Most recent situation which I mentioned above. I have kept this secret for more than 20 years. Always seek the advice of your physician, mental-health professional, or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Hi there, I have a foggy brain and will read everyone's posts carefully and forgive me if this has been said. I wonder if one reason that your MIL The first time my ex struck me leaving welts on my arm and chest which made it hard to carry the backpack I used as a part-time seminary student I weighed about 100 pounds to his almost 180. Maybe the ex is intimidating (always a leader that meets their match). I don't like his ex either but I'm still cordial out of respect for my step-daughter. Here are two different ways to look at your situation: 1) Your husband is a no-good liar and you should leave him. Q. Spend as much time with your own parents or visit cousins as much as he does. We had to buy a new couch to replace our old college dorm room couch and we spent over a month talking about it weighing the pros and cons. Jene Desmond-Harris is online weekly to chat live with readers. Rajesh is a protective and caring son, and Meenu treats that affection as an affront to her place in her life. Or should I demand he focus on our marriage? This could get really annoying because this is one of the tell-tale signs Couple relationshipsthe pains and pleasures, the anxieties and comforts, the craziness and calm. This is a reality in many homes in India and wives are expected to entertain relatives because the husband is choosing his family over his wife. I couldn't not believe that was the first thing he said!! Because of this, it could well be that your husband is totally unaware that he is actually choosing you over his family. He has lied to the counselor about his texting relationship with his colleague. So most often what happens is the husband keeps fulfilling the financial and psychological needs of his family and the wife and his own children are often asked to compromise. My boyfriend invited his ex-wife over for dinner. Can HIV be transmitted through this sexual activity? If this is my reaction, should I break up with him or try to work on it? Re: to Mean Girls: I was raised in a household like this, and sadly, this is the norm for these girls. I have also repeatedly asked for this behavior to stop. No one deserves to put up with his behavior. 2. But if they are essentially decent people, it will echo. Over the years, I have learned a lot and maybe it will help you. My sister has been married to her emotionally and verbally abusive husband for 35 years. So Id say to leave him off the list. How do I deal with this? Here are 12 things you could do to make the dynamics of your relationship with your husband vis-a-vis his family more streamlined: They could be working or they could be homemakers but it is a fact that the Indian mothers life revolves around children. She was sitting on his lap and How do you keep things safer between the sheets? My sister didnt tell me until I called her to inquire about something and found out she was at the hospital with him. And when I am ready, how do I tell my co-workers and clients? Sometimes theres no ideal time to have a child, but its the right thing to do anyway. He read this thread and didn't say anything for a few minutes. Resentment would create negativity in your relationship. All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. A: Ah, no, the wedding is about the couple getting married. Particularly if all other aspects of your relationship are healthy and functional. Over the years we are able to talk more openly about each others family because we are solid and we even laugh a little too! My husband has a good relationship with his mom. Beyond simple flirting and physical attraction, This brings me to your comment about if I have considered that maybe my MIL doesn't want problems, of course I have considered it and that is why I said I don't expect her to be rude or mean. These arguments have caused us to have days to where we hardly speak, days where I don't want to even talk to him because he is just pissy because he's holding a grudge. Nevertheless, he wakes up, at a minimum of one night a week, screaming, thrashing, and terrified. When a wife brings an issue such as this to her The Negative Effects Of Having A Partner Who Doesn't Stand Up For You. Ok, hope that makes more sense than my last comment. Try to take positive steps through communication and creating boundaries and not keep resenting the fact that he is choosing his family over you. The inevitable distance between two people in love, the restless neediness of love. Often when people feel betrayed, theyre so wrapped up in hurt and anxiety that they lack curiosity about the person they feel betrayed by. What to do when your husband is too attached to his family and they get a say in all decisions big and small regarding your lives and that of your children? I think nice conversation and a hug would be sufficient not multiple hugs and kisses and numerous I love you's within a few minutes. So he listen to his mom. No worries about the "slamming" comment/joke etc. Q. What can you do to break this deadlock? And once theres more space for the truth, there will be more understanding and compassion on both sides that will move you out of your respective corners and help you resolve the texting impasse. She is a 20 year old college girl and my husband is 28. My MIL says she cannot stand my husbands ex and doesn't want to have anything to do with her so that is why I said what I said. All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. But Im tired of being grilled about all of our life choices and the timing of revealing them. Re: Is there a happy medium? Talk to you next week! Either way, you wont be able to have a conversation about his texting that will be helpful to you individually or as a couple until a deeper understanding is reached. And youve left us all wondering: Does the grieving widower have any idea what his wife was up to? Realize he is their child first and he lived with them much longer than he lived with you. Maybe I shouldn't even say that. My name is Vic, and I started living with my sister in 2013 because my parents wanted me to change from one environment to another. Do not build resentment over this. But ultimatums dont do muchthey might seem to resolve the dilemma, but often they simply drive the real issue underground. She can do all that with her granddaughter but with the ex she claims to hate and who has caused so many problems? Or is he trying to get back at you for feeling like you don't care for his parents (not saying you don't care for them but he may perceive it that way)? Anything else is just tolerating (and therefore enabling) his racism. Understand husband chooses his family because he doesnt know how not to. You tell as much as youre ready. Its true that most teenagers will test the boundaries of civility and the safest place for them to do it is in their home. I know my friend is still grieving and just wants to help her dad, so how can I gently explain to her and her sister that dogs arent good gifts and this is a terrible idea? He is currently being hospitalized for some heart issues. Send questions to Prudence at Tell your husband you are happy to apologize when youre in the wrong. I would recommend them to everyone who needs any metal or Fabrication work done. You really have gotten good advice above. I asked him you are a mamas boy. Great people and the best standards in the business. Im with you that its incredibly rude that you werent included in the invitation to your SILs 40th birthday party. Good for you for seeing that bonding time with Dad was part of playing out a pattern destructive to everyone. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site. Q. His father used to keep a lid on his opinions in public but due to what his wife believes is dementia setting in, he has slowly been saying VERY inappropriate things about POC when shopping, at church, or out to dinner. I got a little bolder and made him hold even playing ground. You should tell herbut once hes out of the hospital and his health is stable. Both my husband and I have agreed that if we dont have another child in the next two years or so, were probably not going to try for one after that point. They didn't care that he didn't have any of his things with him, they just locked him out one night. Both families were told at the same time. She answered back, Well, whatever. Since then, my husbands family has been distancing themselves from me. You have to accept that the days of the DIY wedding are gone. A: Ive said before that I dont think a man confesses his infidelity to his wifes sister because he really wants it to remain a secret. Theres only one issue: Hes poly and Im not. Hes told you flat out he cant work on his marriage because hes too torn up about the death of the woman he loved. Who knows why she is doing what she does with the ex. And he was like this before he was believed to have dementia! We explore your options. And, worst of all, he propositioned me for sex by using the fact I was divorced (and probably horny) as an excuse. It does bother me that she is like this because she knows what she is done and she knows it affects my husbad but I'm mad about how my husband reacts when I side with him or say anything about it. My friend is handling things all right but is more concerned about her now-widower father, who is apparently struggling to leave the house and has nothing to do (he is retired). He quit his job, saying it was too traumatic to go to work. What to do when your husband is too attached to his family and considers it his responsibility to fulfill their needs and desires? I asked him to visit a marriage therapist together and he said hes not ready to work on our marriage, and thinks he needs to see a grief therapist instead. I know teenagers can be trying, but this behavior seems off the charts compared to other kids Ive known. Its true that people who foot the bill can make demands. The oldest is married with a young child and my youngest is engaged. Focus your unhappiness to where it belongs rather than As you get more used to the break, you can add down the road, Sadly, he and I have separated. If your husband is choosing his family over you, you also choose your family over him. Sure. Then next time you do eat at their house, you should feel free to be more direct to the girls. Let me say upfront that what Im about to suggest in no way condones your husbands dishonesty; lies chip away at trust, eventually eroding it altogether. Learn how your comment data is processed. We want both of our families to celebrate with us but are concerned about how my future FIL will behave toward the POC members of my side of the family, so much so that we havent announced our engagement to anyone yet. I dont want to be an object of pity. Q. Even if it may not sound like it, I appreciate your advice. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. As his wife, you could have been devastated by this decision but your husband chooses his family over you and tells you, looking after his family is his duty and you have to accept that since you are married to him. A: Steve, you know Ive decided to stop drinking. I have continued going to work because I dont want to sit at home and cry, but Im not ready to tell anyone, but my closest friends. She tells him mom is 1st then your wife. To everyone - Londers,Brice,Tinnkker and especially you Specialmom, thanks for your advice. On my part, I started masturbation in seventh grade, and I first had sex while I was 16. Read some reputable books on creating a budget and living within it. I just didnt expect them to change quite this much. But definitely, it is also a given that you would support each other in looking after your respective families. It is not that he loves his own family any less but he is unable to do the balancing act because of his mental conditioning. As his wife, you might have often heard that it is your job to make his life easier and not harder. I don't think my comment is being read the way it's actually meant. But what my suggestion might do is help you see another way to move through this impasse and understand it better before you make any decisions about your marriage. Whenever possible, speak to your in-laws directly. I find it extremely difficult to be emotionally supportive when he wakes up at 3 a.m. crying and tremblingyet I dont have the heart to yell at him like I want to. Oh, and one more question, why does he say he treats your family a bit cold and keeps them at arms length? Heres an edited transcript of this weeks chat. Hes lying about it, too. A: I think its pretty well known that you are not supposed to give animals as presents. and I are white, as are our immediate family members, two of my sisters are married to POC and have mixed-race children. Since it has been quite some time since I went through these rituals, I expected them to change. My sister has been married to her emotionally and verbally abusive husband for 35 years. I go out of my way to be nice to them and don't ever have disagreements with his family or anything. I want the truth, the person asking says, but if you tell me the truth, I will shame or judge or abandon you. One simple piece of advice that can go a long way in resolving the deadlock is to become a part of his family, in true earnest. Goodluck and hang in there! Get your dose of relationship advice from Bonobology right in your inbox. But you do not want to spend sleepless nights debating whether to get a matching ottoman. Q. What do you suggest? It would seem odd to tell a therapist, Im happy and have no real problems, but I have night terrors.. In Indian extended homes, husbands might want to help their wives in the kitchen but since their fathers never helped their mothers, they are unable to do it because they fear a backlash on the wife from the family. I have been on the receiving end of his outbursts numerous times and have been called the C-word during his tantrums. Am I ok, maybe just a little too concerned or is this something I should talk about with someone? I thought she was simply a co-worker and I was wondering why my husband was so disturbed and emotional. Emily Yoffe, aka Dear Prudence, is on weekly to chat live with readers. He is a disgusting human being. My mother and I arent close so I didnt give in to what she wanted; however, I wanted to make my mother-in-law happy so we caved to whatever she wanted. Then make it very clear to your relatives without being rude that you have work to do when they are dropping in so if you remain confined to your room, they should not hold it against you. That is the reason you got married. So, when the signs your husband puts his family first are staring you in the face, dont lose heart. Thank you! You are the only one who understood what I was trying to say. Perhaps I should have been more clear. It's upsetting that she treats this You will not get to crib then that your husband chooses his family over you and he will be satisfied by doing his bit for his side of the family. There are no constant knocks on the door by his family to get their thoughts across. Weve barely talked these last weeks because I dont know how to respond to my husband when he cries and says he misses her and wishes she were here, then also how much he loves me and that he never intended to leave me. She never had sex before we got together, not even masturbation, because of her conservative upbringing. She may be too sunk into this mess to act, but sometimes an outsiders perspective can suddenly shine a mirror on a situation. Please try again. I do not understand what You see as an issue here. Great company and great staff. If you are being asked to be an understanding source of solace while he mourns the loss of his mistress, a woman who was possibly the mother of his child, then that is an emotional burden thats simply outside the bounds of what one spouse can ask of another. If I even express how I don't understand how his mom can be so friendly with his ex-wife he gets mad at me. I imagine they are encouraged to speak to their mother harshly, and sadly, it becomes a bonding point with their father. Q. So slap on a smile and be grateful to be included. I really want to say something to these children, not just for my cousins sake, but also because theyre becoming very mean girls. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Similarly, theyre so wrapped up in anger and self-righteousness that they lack curiosity about themselves. Take the example of Meenu and Rajesh, who are both well in their 50s and have been married for more than two decades. You are welcome dear. We were very much in love, so this will come as a shock to everyoneit was a shock to me! She is over a decade older than me and lives, with her husband, 200 miles away. So point out every time that he has hurt your A husband's job is to protect his wife and be good to her. All rights reserved. That gives him the space to work on those issues. A husband who, in a situation of conflict, sides against his wife may be hiding deep-seated resentment toward her. Well, I'm glad that you two have found the same page to be on. You'll be happier seperating yourself from anger surrounding his family. I hope it c However, recently we have been having a lot of disagreements surrounding the topic of female friends. He has always been prioritizing them in small ways and does not realize how much he is hurting you by giving you a second-citizen treatment. A: Your answer is contained in your question. We enjoyed ourselves the first few years. Perhaps its a workmate who enjoys crossing the line. If you know this occurs.simply say nothing. That will be Tuesday, Jan. 18, since were off on Monday. If kowtowing to the sister is the primary family dynamic, then you two need to stop bowing and start standing up for yourselves. David M. Benett. But it sounds as if youre both employed and making good financial choices. Stay away from topics about sex, secrets, and struggles . (especially if you have children). I received a scathing email from my sister-in-law recently demanding to know why I wouldnt tell her family for 20 weeks. ", "Very reliable company and very fast. Interestingly, while Ive known she exists as his colleague, he has never introduced me to her even though I know all of his other work friends.. Q. My exact response was, Dont I have the right to choose when to announce my pregnancy? Im mentally ill and Im going to therapy and am on medication, but nothing helps me with my bipolar disorder. They have a largely happy married life, except for one aspect the sticky mother-in-law woes. Help! We encountered an issue signing you up. With our first child expected in a few months, these night terrors have become an almost every-night occurrence, and its fraying my nerves and causing me to lose sleep. Why don't you just ask your husband why he gets mad when you agree with him about something his mother has said or done? A: You cannot impose a schedule on someone elses grief. Babies and in-Laws: Due to the economy and the price of real estate in our area, my husband, myself and our almost 4-year-old child are currently living with my parents, renting their basement while we save up for a down payment for a place of our own. Images by Hibrida13/iStock/Getty Images Plus and PeopleImages/Getty Images Plus. So it could be an alternative day arrangement. I found this out when I saw his phone. Even when she has said things that could be considered rude, I have just held my tongue. I have been with this man for 2 years and we have a baby. 2) You two need to have a different conversation, one that doesnt involve assumptions and ultimatums. Will there be fallout? You are welcome dear. No worries about the "slamming" comment/joke etc. :<)) I did refer to the word "slam" in my initial post because I didn't wan A: Its good to hear from someone who has lived this ugly dynamic, and was able to change it. But I agree that turning marriage into the Normandy Invasion (actually, that took less time to plan and launch than most weddings) is an absurd waste of time and money. Someone has to win here, and it should be the people who arent awful. As for the issue with his sister, he and I got in an arguement over his sister because I told him something she did that he needed to know because it affected other family members and in order for nothing to get out of hand he had to know. If he's not, divorce him and find someone better. Frankly, I think this is celebration overload and, in its own way, detracts from the seriousness of these events. You say that youre in marriage counseling for other issues, so I wonder about your husbands relationship with his colleague not so much in terms of betrayalas you dobut in terms of what it reveals about the dynamics in your marriage. WebIf you want your wife to respect you, you have to respect and protect her dignity. If you are living with the in-laws you cannot really restrict relative visits because the elderly people are usually free to entertain guests. They've been married for 4 1/2 years, however, her husband and his sister are obsessed with each other. I told him he was right and that there is no issue at all and I walked out. My fianc and I want to start planning our wedding, but were not sure how to navigate having both families there. Kind of a shoot the messanger thing. You are not entirely wrong, if youre convinced, My husband puts his friends and family before me. Tell your husband that you have no issues visiting your in-laws but if it could be made an alternative week affair then as a couple you could have some me-time. They didn't care that he didn't have First of all I don't speak ill of my MIL and never have. Knowing youre making good decisions should keep you flush and rested. I wonder if one reason that your MIL has kind of gone out of her way to be nice to your husband's ex is since she's seen what this woman will do if so inclined . 3 He's Making You Jealous. Her two children, who are their early teens, are horrible to her. You know best. Dr. Jose Gonzalez-Garcia answers this commonly-asked question. Constructive criticism. that is what Londres's post is and I think she may have hit it right on the head. I'm upset with my husband getting mad at me for anything. I really dont like it when you order for me or pressure me. But not before you give your mental health the attention it deserves. But if you are being railroaded into doing things you dont want to do, then you say no and decline the money. You dont trust your husbandand for good reasonbut he may not trust you either, in the sense that he may not trust your capacity to acknowledge his truth were he to share it openly with you. I hope so. I am considering separating from him if his behavior doesnt stop. Or a neighbor whos too Send questions for publication here. They have nothing to do with your marriage, because they are not in the marriage and you did not get married to them. Read Prudies Slate columns here. The Bonobology Team comprises expert writers who have been writing on this specialized subject of relationships for a long time and have a deep understanding of couple relationships and its ramifications. I posted my comment because my husband gets over anything that is said about his family. Plus, we are sure, you wouldnt really appreciate a man who is not there with his parents when they genuinely and really need him. I don't expect her to be mean or rude but she doesn't have to go out of her way with the hugs, kisses and I love yous to the ex-wife( she has been the ex-wife for 19 years). A: I think you should first talk to your cousin. That way your husband does not get to choose his family over you. Stop blaming him, it'll get you no where. You'll be happier seperating yourself from anger surrounding his family. Went as far as to say he doesn't remember anything I'm talking about. All rights reserved. All this is to say, maybe your husband is crossing a line and not telling you, or maybe hes not and your demands are simply pushing him away. He recently got a new boyfriend (Im a guy as well), and I cant stop myself from being insecure. Sit with your husband and work out a budget as to how much should go to your husbands family and how much should be kept for your own. I'm glad to hear that he "fessed up" to the things he was doing. Our capabilities go beyond HVAC ductwork fabrication, inquire about other specialty items you may need and we will be happy to try and accommodate your needs. If you missed Part 1 of this weeks chat, click here to read it. 12 Things To Do When Your Husband Chooses His Family Over You, 1. His daughter is 18 and treats my husband like crap and we all know it's due to what his ex says and does. But thats a simplistic reaction to an issue Im sure is multi-layered. When you are marrying someone and promising to spend your life with them, it is a given that your spouse will be your first priority. Heres where we disagree though: My husband thinks we should just start trying and see what happens. My husband gets angry whenever I say anything about his family. I Have Intel on a Secret Vasectomy. If a part of his income goes to his family, ensure a part of your income goes to your family too. But in dealing with his sister, everyone else is always in the wrong, and in this case you have nothing to be sorry for. A sister who when he was living with her had kicked him out for no reason, no notice because her husband at the time said so. In that case, you will have to support him to stand by his family. WebNo matter how much I expressed to him how uncomfortable I was with their friendship, he always defended her feelings over mine. I'm tired of how things have been lately and I want it to stop.

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my husband defends his sister over me