mikhail gorbachev quizlet

[352], In March, the Congress of People's Deputies held the first (and only) Soviet presidential election, in which Gorbachev was the only candidate. [304] Again, he and Reagan criticized each other's countriesReagan raising Soviet restrictions on religious freedom; Gorbachev highlighting poverty and racial discrimination in the U.S., but Gorbachev related that they spoke "on friendly terms". b. insisted on more local control and resisted the power of the federal government. [122] As part of the Moscow political elite, Gorbachev and his wife now had access to better medical care and to specialized shops; they were also given cooks, servants, bodyguards, and secretaries, although many of these were spies for the KGB. [359] Amid a growth in Russian nationalist sentiment, Gorbachev had reluctantly allowed the formation of a Communist Party of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic as a branch of the larger Soviet Communist Party. [177] The first stage of Gorbachev's perestroika was uskoreniye ("acceleration"), a term he used regularly in the first two years of his leadership. Some interviewers will have asked you questions about your qualities as a leader. d. The impressive military action convinced communist China to approach the United States. He hoped that by allowing a broader range of people to attend than at previous conferences, he would gain additional support for his reforms. 32. [612] Gorbachev was receiving palliative care, but was allowed to leave the hospital for short periods of time. In May 1989 he visited Beijing and there met its leader Deng Xiaoping; Deng shared Gorbachev's belief in economic reform but rejected calls for democratization. Perestroika, the series of political and economic reforms meant to revive the stagnant 1980s economy of the Soviet Union, was developed by Mikhail Gorbachev. e. appealed primarily to urban Americans. [129] He began to have concerns about other policies too. [544] He claimed that "the essence of Lenin" was a desire to develop "the living creative activity of the masses". 48. [366][367] In July, Kohl visited Moscow and Gorbachev informed him that the Soviets would not oppose a reunified Germany being part of NATO. [523] Mlyn noted, however, that unlike most other Soviet students, Gorbachev did not view Marxism simply as "a collection of axioms to be committed to memory". Wages were more equitable for women and minorities in the first period than in the second. [10] They had married as teenagers in 1928,[11] and in keeping with local tradition had initially resided in Sergey's father's house, an adobe-walled hut, before a hut of their own could be built. [198] Gorbachev later considered the campaign to have been an error,[199] and it was terminated in October 1988. On 30 October, Gorbachev attended a conference in Madrid trying to revive the IsraeliPalestinian peace process. [239] He sought improved relations with China, a country whose Marxist government had severed ties with the Soviets in the Sino-Soviet Split and had since undergone its own structural reform. c. strengthened the labor movement. Local troops tried to quell the unrest but were attacked by mobs. [406] Wanting to preserve the Union, in April Gorbachev and the leaders of nine Soviet republics jointly pledged to prepare a treaty that would renew the federation under a new constitution; but six of the republicsEstonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Georgia, and Armeniadid not endorse this. A rising tide of antigovernment sentiment. [604] Also in 2014, Gorbachev underwent oral surgery. Domestically, President Gerald Ford: [324] Problems also emerged in the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic; in April 1989, Soviet troops crushed Georgian pro-independence demonstrations in Tbilisi, resulting in various deaths. While the soviets had become largely powerless bodies that rubber-stamped Politburo policies, he wanted them to become year-round legislatures. b. [221] A major issue facing his leadership was Soviet involvement in the Afghan Civil War, which had then been going on for over five years. e. a referendum for the ERA. b. Although, on 26 February, his Gorbachev Foundation stated that "we affirm the need for an early cessation of hostilities and immediate start of peace negotiations. During the 1970s, evangelical Christians: [105] Gorbachev and his wife holidayed in Moscow, Leningrad, Uzbekistan, and resorts in the North Caucasus;[106] he holidayed with the head of the KGB, Yuri Andropov, who was favorable towards him and who became an important patron. [201], In the second year of his leadership, Gorbachev began speaking of glasnost, or "openness". [486] He was critical of how the U.S. had expanded NATO right up to Russia's borders despite their initial assurances that they would not do so, citing this as evidence that the U.S. government could not be trusted. [315], On taking power, Gorbachev found some unrest among different national groups within the Soviet Union. Duncan, W. Raymond, and Carolyn McGiffert Ekedahl. New technological advances have resulted in all of the following effects except: In 1952, he traveled to Moscow to earn his degree in law. Gorbachev biographer William Taubman, 2017[481], According to his university friend Zdenk Mlyn, in the early 1950s "Gorbachev, like everyone else at the time, was a Stalinist". [448] He and Raisa initially lived in their dilapidated dacha on Rublevskoe Shosse, and were also allowed to privatize their smaller apartment on Kosygin Street. [182], The purpose of reform was to prop up the centrally planned economynot to transition to market socialism. The Court was willing to abandon the idea overturning local control of schools. As a young man he joined the usual Communist Party youth groups. He was appointed the First Party Secretary of the Stavropol Regional Committee in 1970, overseeing construction of the Great Stavropol Canal. [178] The Soviet Union was behind the United States in many areas of production,[179] but Gorbachev claimed that it would accelerate industrial output to match that of the U.S. by 2000. Under Gorbachevs policy of perestroika (restructuring), the first modest attempts to democratize the Soviet political system were undertaken; multicandidate contests and the secret ballot were introduced in some elections to party and government posts. d. Carter's approval ratings in 1980 had fallen lower than Nixon's at the time of his resignation. [483], Gorbachev was critical of U.S. hostility to Putin, arguing that the U.S. government "doesn't want Russia to rise" again as a global power and wants "to continue as the sole superpower in charge of the world". While pursuing domestic reforms, he did not publicly support reformers elsewhere in the Eastern Bloc. [362] Ultimately he acquiesced to the reunification on the condition that NATO troops not be posted to the territory of Eastern Germany. Gorbachev wanted a gradual process of German integration but Kohl began calling for rapid reunification. e. The crisis made Carter look inept and helpless. [388] Gorbachev described the plan as "modern socialism" rather than a return to capitalism but had many doubts about it. [265] Over 900 Soviet newspapers reprinted it and anti-reformists rallied around it; many reformers panicked, fearing a backlash against perestroika. ", This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 17:53. [40] One of his first Komsomol assignments in Moscow was to monitor the election polling in Presnensky District to ensure the government's desire for near-total turnout; Gorbachev found that most of those who voted did so "out of fear". He chose this over a public vote because he thought the latter would escalate tensions and feared that he might lose it;[351] a spring 1990 poll nevertheless still showed him as the most popular politician in the country. [452] He further visited Israel and Germany, where he was received warmly by many politicians who praised his role in facilitating German reunification. e. The Church Committee investigations. e. was dedicated to maintaining Russia's military budget. b. breaking off diplomatic relations with Pakistan. Gorbachev sought a compromise between these two diametrically opposed alternatives in vain, and so the centrally planned economy continued to crumble with no private enterprise to replace it. A dedicated reformer, Gorbachev introduced the policies of glasnost and perestroika to the USSR. [242] He considered putting a proposal to allow multi-party elections into his speech, but decided against doing so. e. dramatically increased American military spending. How did trickle-down economics claim to increase government tax revenues? b. enlarged government revenue. [264], In March 1988, the magazine Sovetskaya Rossiya published an open letter by the teacher Nina Andreyeva. [416] Gorbachev feared that the coup plotters would order him killed, so had his guards barricade his dacha. c. had originally been proposed in 1920 by former suffragists. The foundation also tasked itself with monitoring and critiquing life in post-Soviet Russia, presenting alternative development forms to those pursued by Yeltsin. [133] Gorbachev became Andropov's closest ally in the Politburo;[134] with Andropov's encouragement, Gorbachev sometimes chaired Politburo meetings. With the assistance of German Chancellor Gerhard Schrder, she was transferred to a cancer center in Mnster, Germany, and there underwent chemotherapy. [378] Throughout 1991, Gorbachev requested sizable loans from Western countries and Japan, hoping to keep the Soviet economy afloat and ensure the success of perestroika. c. proposed that a system of block grants be assigned to states to spend as they saw fit. [112] Gorbachev and his wife visited France in 1976 and 1977, on the latter occasion touring the country with a guide from the French Communist Party. Gorbachev served as the last general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (198591) as well as the last president of the Soviet Union (199091). [507][508] In December 2014, he said that both sides in the war in Donbas "have been violating the terms of the ceasefire; both sides are guilty of using dangerous types of weapons and violating human rights",[509] adding that Minsk agreements "form the basis for the settlement" of the conflict. 31. [211] Yeltsin was also critical of Gorbachev, regarding him as patronizing. [600] In April 2011, Gorbachev underwent complex spinal surgery in Germany, at the Munich clinic Schn Klinik Mnchen Harlaching. He added: "all agreements aimed at nuclear disarmament and the limitation of nuclear weapons must be preserved, for the sake of life on Earth". [51] Raisa discovered that she was pregnant and although the couple wanted to keep the child she fell ill and required a life-saving abortion. c. The Chilean government had blocked U.S. access to Chilean copper mines. a. refused to commit U.S. troops abroad. c. Carter was expressing his support for Great Britain's prime minister Margaret Thatcher and its seizure of the Falkland Islands. d. It meant a rejection of Henry Kissinger's "realist" approach to the Cold War. [146], In April 1984, Gorbachev was appointed chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Soviet legislature, a largely honorific position. [484] In September 2008, Gorbachev and business oligarch Alexander Lebedev announced they would form the Independent Democratic Party of Russia,[490] and in May 2009 Gorbachev announced that the launch was imminent. b. called for a reduction in all government spending and a balanced budget. [583] Across society more broadly, his inability to reverse the decline in the Soviet economy brought discontent. [411] The phone lines to his dacha were cut and a group arrived, including Boldin, Shenin, Baklanov, and General Varennikov, informing him of the take-over. Moving to Stavropol, he worked for the Komsomol youth organization and, after Stalin's death, became a keen proponent of the de-Stalinization reforms of Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. As the scale of the disaster became apparent, 336,000 people were evacuated from the area around Chernobyl. Gorbachev wanted to secure guarantees that SDI would not be implemented, and in return was willing to offer concessions, including a 50% reduction in Soviet long range nuclear missiles. [438] Gorbachev then gave his speech in the Kremlin in front of television cameras, allowing for international broadcast. Two months earlier, he had not come to the funeral of Margaret Thatcher for health reasons. (HAZMAT. c. employed the fiery rhetoric and direct confrontation tactics of Bull Connor and George Wallace. [360], In January 1990, Gorbachev privately agreed to permit East German reunification with West Germany, but rejected the idea that a unified Germany could retain West Germany's NATO membership. c. Republicans brought more women into public office than any other party, but actively legislated for men's rights. [625] Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said "He helped bring an end to the Cold War, embraced reforms in the Soviet Union, and reduced the threat of nuclear weapons. [475] He repeatedly faced anti-Gorbachev protesters, while some pro-Yeltsin local officials tried to hamper his campaign by banning local media from covering it or by refusing him access to venues. The victory of communists in Vietnam in 1975. After the coup, the Supreme Soviet indefinitely suspended all Communist Party activity, effectively ending communist rule in the Soviet Union. Mikhail Gorbachev, who ended the Cold War without bloodshed but failed to prevent the collapse of the Soviet Union, has died aged 91, Russian hospital officials say. [459], In 1993, Gorbachev launched Green Cross International, which focused on encouraging sustainable futures, and then the World Political Forum. [557], Throughout his life, he tried to dress fashionably. c. supported democratic reforms in Iran. [228] In the buildup to this, Gorbachev sought to improve relations with the U.S.'s NATO allies, visiting France in October 1985 to meet with President Franois Mitterrand. The Church Committee revealed that since the beginning of the Cold War: [127] He had growing concerns about the country's agricultural management system, coming to regard it as overly centralized and requiring more bottom-up decision making;[128] he raised these points at his first speech at a Central Committee Plenum, given in July 1978. Taubman also noted that the former Soviet leader has a "sense of self-importance and self-righteousness" as well as a "need for attention and admiration" which grated on some of his colleagues. [150] At the end of the visit, Thatcher said: "I like Mr. Gorbachev. In 1990 Gorbachev received the Nobel Peace Prize for his leading role in the peace process in Europe. Stating that it would not contest the forthcoming elections, Gorbachev declared: "We are fighting for power, but only for power over people's minds". [188] He also initiated the concept of gospriyomka (state acceptance of production) during his time as leader,[189] which represented quality control. c. did not support affirmative action. Shortly thereafter Gorbachev restructured the Soviet government to include a bicameral parliament. [118], In November 1978, Gorbachev was appointed a Secretary of the Central Committee. View more opinion at CNN. [347] A liberalizer march took place in Moscow criticizing Communist Party rule,[348] while at a Central Committee meeting, the hardliner Vladimir Brovikov accused Gorbachev of reducing the country to "anarchy" and "ruin" and of pursuing Western approval at the expense of the Soviet Union and the MarxistLeninist cause. Read more. [590] Biographers Doder and Branson thought that Gorbachev was "a puritan" with "a proclivity for order in his personal life". [94], In April 1970, Yefremov was promoted to a higher position in Moscow and Gorbachev succeeded him as the First Secretary of the Stavropol kraikom. [578] According to a 2017 survey carried out by the independent institute Levada Center, 46% of Russian citizens have a negative opinion towards Gorbachev, 30% are indifferent, while only 15% have a positive opinion. e. The invasion toppled Cambodia's communist government. e. Congress overrode Ford's veto and ended federal funding for abortion in the Medicaid program. [664], In 2002, Gorbachev was awarded the Charles V Prize by the European Academy of Yuste Foundation. [376] Polls indicated that 90% of Soviet citizens disapproved of the award, which was widely seen as a Western and anti-Soviet accolade. [180] The Five Year Plan of 19851990 was targeted to expand machine building by 50 to 100%. [311] In December 1989, Gorbachev and Bush met at the Malta Summit. [49] That summer, he returned to Privolnoye to work with his father on the harvest; the money earned allowed him to pay for a wedding. [247] Economic problems remained: by the late 1980s there were still widespread shortages of basic goods, rising inflation, and declining living standards. Mikhail Gorbachev, who has died aged 9, attends the international conference "Europe Looks East" in Sofia, October 7, 2010. [284], Gorbachev tried to improve relations with the UK, France, and West Germany;[285] like previous Soviet leaders, he was interested in pulling Western Europe away from U.S. They also provisionally accepted Gorbachev's resignation as president of what remained of the Soviet Union. [101] [596] He died after a "severe and prolonged illness," according to the hospital. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. [558] Having an aversion to hard liquor,[559] he drank sparingly and did not smoke. [461], Gorbachev had promised to refrain from criticizing Yeltsin while the latter pursued democratic reforms, but soon the two men were publicly criticizing each other again. [38] During his studies, an anti-semitic campaign spread through the Soviet Union, culminating in the Doctors' plot; Gorbachev publicly defended Volodya Liberman, a Jewish student who was accused of disloyalty to the country by one of his fellows. Gorbachev died after a long illness, according to a statement issued by the Central Clinical . [405] Fearing more civil disturbances, that month Gorbachev banned demonstrations and ordered troops to patrol Soviet cities alongside the police. c. South and Southeast Asia. [641] Similarly, under Gorbachev, the Soviet Union broke apart without falling into civil war, as happened during the breakup of Yugoslavia at the same time. c. As demonstrated by diplomatic visits to both China and the Soviet Union, Nixon sought a peaceful coexistence with communist nations. a. boycotting the Moscow Olympics. [352] Gorbachev struggled to understand Yeltsin's growing popularity, commenting: "he drinks like a fish he's inarticulate, he comes up with the devil knows what, he's like a worn-out record". [402][184][g], The 14th Dalai Lama wrote to the Gorbachev Foundation to express his "condolences to his daughter, Irina Virganskaya and members of his family, his friends and supporters". Use your notes to identify the characteristics of the medieval religious orders. The Soviet economy during the 1980s was characterized by all of the following challenges, except: The year 1989 was significant in world history because that year: The destruction of the Berlin Wall was symbolic of: The United States, following the end of the Cold War, has: The trade organization that links Canada, the United States, and Mexico is: Which of the following statements about the European Union is true? [98] According to biographer Zhores Medvedev, Gorbachev "had now joined the Party's super-elite". d. religious fundamentalism. The "Second Gilded Age": [585] Doder and Branson called him "a charmer capable of intellectually seducing doubters, always trying to co-opt them, or at least blunt the edge of their criticism". President Ford vetoed federal funding for abortion. In Russia he is often derided for facilitating the dissolution of the Soviet Unionan event which weakened Russia's global influence and precipitated an economic collapse in Russia and associated states. [175] He was concerned by the country's low productivity, poor work ethic, and inferior quality goods;[176] like several economists, he feared this would lead to the country becoming a second-rate power. c. stagnant economic growth and low inflation. In little more than six tumultuous years, Mr. Gorbachev lifted the Iron Curtain, decisively altering the political climate of the world. [502] He continued to speak out on issues affecting Russia and the world. [475] Launching his campaign, he traveled across Russia giving rallies in twenty cities. [317] By 1988, the Soviet "nationality question" was increasingly pressing. e. Congress overrode Ford's veto and ended federal funding for abortion in the Medicaid program. [583] He was sensitive to personal criticism and easily took offense. They argued that freedom for American women was best experienced through their husbands. d. One person was found guilty in this killing of 350 civilians, but was released in 1974. In response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, President Carter pursued all of the following policies EXCEPT: [442] Gorbachev was the third out of eight Soviet leaders, after Malenkov and Khrushchev, not to die in office. [170] Most of these appointees were from a new generation of well-educated officials who had been frustrated during the Brezhnev era. [660] In 1995, he was awarded the Grand-Cross of the Order of Liberty by Portuguese President Mrio Soares,[661] and in 1998 the Freedom Award from the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tennessee. b. [11], The village school was closed during much of the war but re-opened in autumn 1944. Gorbachev's travels in America. A majority of states ratified a constitutional amendment banning abortion. a. the need to fight communism around the world. What did events surrounding the Watergate break-in and cover-up suggest about Richard Nixon? [233], In January 1986, Gorbachev publicly proposed a three-stage programme for abolishing the world's nuclear weapons by the end of the 20th century. b. improved medical care. d. All of the choices are correct. Events outpaced him, however, and the Russian government under Yeltsin readily assumed the functions of the collapsing Soviet government as the various republics agreed to form a new commonwealth under Yeltsins leadership. His democratization measures and formation of the elected Congress of People's Deputies undermined the one-party state. [336], In August 1989, the Pan-European Picnic, which Otto von Habsburg planned as a test of Gorbachev, resulted in a large mass exodus of East German refugees. [536] With perestroika, Gorbachev had wanted to improve the existing MarxistLeninist system but ultimately ended up destroying it. [166] He sought to remove several older members from the Politburo, encouraging Grigory Romanov, Nikolai Tikhonov, and Viktor Grishin into retirement. Reviewer-quizlet - Text examination fo certified human resource. d. George McGovern's apartment. c. faster transportation [517] On 24 December 2021, Gorbachev said that the United States "grew arrogant and self-confident" after the collapse of the Soviet Union, resulting in "a new empire. c. mutually assured destruction. On 29 August 2022, Gorbachev arrived at the Central Clinical Hospital for another hemodialysis, where he died on 30 August at approximately 10:00p.m. Moscow time. e. They said women could already pursue a career outside the home thanks to job training programs. [167] He promoted Gromyko to head of state, a largely ceremonial role with little influence, and moved his own ally, Eduard Shevardnadze, to Gromyko's former post in charge of foreign policy. 49. [586] McCauley thought Gorbachev displayed "great tactical skill" in maneuvering successfully between hardline MarxistLeninists and liberalisers for most of his time as leader, adding, though, that he was "much more skilled at tactical, short-term policy than strategic, long-term thinking", in part because he was "given to making policy on the hoof". [130] That same month, he was promoted from a candidate member to a full member of the Politburo, the highest decision-making authority in the Communist Party. [19] Gorbachev's father had joined the Red Army and fought on the frontlines; he was wrongly declared dead during the conflict and fought in the Battle of Kursk before returning to his family, injured. c. expanded Jimmy Carter's policy of human rights. Mikhail Gorbachev, who ended the Cold War without bloodshed but failed to prevent the collapse of the Soviet Union, died on Tuesday at the age of 91, hospital officials in Moscow said. b. took the United States off the gold standard. In so many ways, the world we know today would not be the same without Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the former Soviet Union, who died at the age of 91 on Tuesday, writes David A. Andelman. d. refers to the U.S. efforts to overthrow the shah. [484] More broadly, Gorbachev was critical of U.S. policy following the Cold War, arguing that the West had attempted to "turn [Russia] into some kind of backwater". c. the right of the United States to intervene in Latin America. e. failed to revive the economy. [622] Naina Yeltsina, widow of former Russian president Boris Yeltsin, said that Gorbachev "sincerely wanted to change the Soviet system" and transform the USSR into a "free and peaceful state". Mikhail Gorbachev has been described as "one of the greatest figures of the 20th century" in a flood of tributes from across the world to the man .

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mikhail gorbachev quizlet