high priestess how someone sees you

Fair-minded and merciful, but not emotional. All of Sibyl's content on Tarot cards as how someone sees you is linked below. Minnow Pond TarotLearn To Read Tarot From Me!https://minnow-pond-tarot-school.teachable.com/p/tarot-master-classDonations Accepted with gratitude https:/. You need to keep your faith. The only thing is he will think that much he wont actually take no action, and as hes the Kos it doesn't mean hes emotionless he just doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve. In a career reading, the High Priestess indicates that you will be moving to a career or job that is more in line with your soul purpose. Being the fool is the first card in your traditional tarot deck, he can also see you as the beginnings to something fresh and new in his lifeespecially if he's the polar opposite. Or you have stagnated, refusing to act and develop your hidden, dormant talents. - he sees her as something of a mystery (since it's a new relationship), that he has romantic fantasies but no idea what the reality might be; - intelligent ( spiritual and reasonably warm ); - the universe never gives you more than you can handle; Optimistic. Be direct and convey your feelings and concerns to this person, for theres potential for their obsession to unhinge both their life and yours should it go unchecked.. Consider your options. It is cruelty and ignorance disguised as a moral facade. And if youve been keeping a secret that day by day weighs down on your soul, it will eventually find its way to the surface so why not find a way to address it while you can? Theyre feelings, not concepts or ideas. It has 6 sound options including Thunder, the sound of the Ocean, a summer night, rain and white noise. Maybe you wanted to be the first one to discover a secret, and now the dangers and afflictions of knowing too little have fallen upon you. And there are three ships coming back into the harbor. the seven of cups i can't figure . So where exactly would someone find a Priestess? Sometimes it is your partner who does. They see you need someone stable, you have done your reflection, and you are sure about what you want. Please connect with me, after youve had a reading. You need to understand what you value most, the relationship, or you being right because, in a moment of anger, you may say things you do not want to achieve. It looks like our plates are quite full this week. This card in reverse could mean that overthinking and anxiety have cornered you and you just dont know how to get away from yourself! In each case, you know the answer, if thats who you are, you need to work on yourself. Vekke Sind, Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! Confucius said that silence is a true friend who never betrays. In a less poetic manner, that difficult decision is weighing you down. A person who is close to you may behave in a cold and strict way, giving you the silent treatment, and leaving you to wonder what you did wrong. Such is the nature of the High Priestess as a companion. You are not supposed to know when something is going to happen. What About the High Priestess as an Obstacle? Maybe youll read an interesting book, meet a mysterious person who embodies the traits of the Priestess, or start meditating and just let go of all the stress! The two pillars refer to the ancient Temple of Solomon. What they could see them as is a someone who will transform them, make them face their past and come to terms with it, etc. Every mistake you made will make your life easier if you are willing to revisit what went wrong with understanding and patience. A problem or a riddle may have been troubling your mind. She abandons the world to hide from the judgment of others, leaving for a place where solitude and contemplation will serve as penance for her sins. Think of a butterfly. The information provided on this site is for educational use only. You may have disappointed them and theyve misread your calm and quiet character as bleak indifference. She represents unconditional love and wanting whats best for the other. She generally symbolizes intuition, inner knowledge and inner balance. In the negative sense of the High Priestess, we see a cold mother who refuses to let her child reach adulthood, smothers its dreams with her rigidity, and hides the beauty of the world from its eyes. This wont be a time of drastic change, but quiet and mindful waiting. But as soon as you try to say "yeah, I had a bad day too" they need to go for some reason. The same goes for a reversed High Priestess. Generally speaking, both the Empress and High Priestess refers to a state of wellbeing in women's health, such as fertility, pregnancy, motherhood, menstrual cycles and sexual health. The High Priestess and the Wands Suit is a combination that foretells action that you have calculated and strategized carefully. You may achieve even more than what you set your intentions for in the first place. The High Priestess as an obstacle is a reminder to quiet your mind and listen to your heart. Shes the divine feminine guarding the threshold between two worlds; light and darkness, spirit and flesh. Frigid, bitter, and withholding, the High Priestess in reverse becomes a statue of beauty and warmth that are slowly fading. Sometimes you give more. The High Priestess often plays the role of the feminine spiritual guide, so dont be surprised when your phone rings and your friend asks for advice, hanging on your every word! The High Priestess denotes preparation for self-growth and the purest intentions. Those who choose to battle with insults and taunts dont affect you, and furthermore, do not deserve to be acknowledged by you. Vekke Sind, Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning, A Complete Guide! If your work creates a silent conflict within you that affects other aspects of your life as well, its time to calm down and find the peace of mind that will allow you to direct your efforts towards a career path that you enjoy. It means that you may get the opportunity you wanted but in an unexpected way. Furthermore, she implies the writing of a book or journal, a map of the soul, and the reading of texts, sacred or otherwise. Or how it is going to happen. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. You cannot fake love, and neither can you ignore and isolate it when your intuition finally points out the right person. March 2023 brings us the energy of the Universal Month 1, a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. Librarians, writers, poets, and journalists may identify with the High Priestess and find affirmation and inspiration when she appears in a reading. They may want to propose to you, but they may also hold back a little because they dont know you very well, or your abilities scare them. Patiently waiting. We just want to know how our day will look like, or how we should approach the day ahead. You may have let others opinions get to you, affecting your choices and productivity. When the High Priestess appears to you, you may be in a position to understand the dualism of the world or . This card also indicates jealousy and obsession. Almost by a mysterious stroke of divine intervention or faith, youll find that the conflicts surrounding you will be stilled once you choose to step away from them and still your mind. What springs to mind? Pentacles being about rewards and manifestation. - he/she sees you as a "trouble" or a possible one. She welcomes any emotion while maintaining a balanced and clear state of mind. The future indicated by the High Priestess in reverse will be uneasy at best. If reversed, or if the High Priestess appears to conflict with the other cards, there may be a secretive and passive-aggressive attitude that undermines the relationship. However, she may also represent kind, adaptive, and intuitive Pisces. Now look at the card and let your inner chatter fade away. We also have to accept that all people change in time, and too often things are not what they seem. Theres a great potential for progress if you pay attention to your teachers. Both or one of you may not be in control of your emotions and are causing havoc out of nothing. Facebook Pinterest, Relaxing Sounds Tarot Cards Angel Numbers Archangels. Her introvert side may be difficult to understand, but her advice is most valuable. This is not the time for changes, bold moves, and risky, new enterprises. Javascript is required. In business and career, The High Priestess is a good omen that indicates you are putting your skills and abilities to work. The person of interest believes theres more than meets the eye with you. As a nun, she steps back from action, because she trusts in Gods plan. They may not be able to figure you out because you are always talking about something else. As an obstacle card, the High Priestess means that you are not listening to your intuition, and as a result, the decisions you make may not work in your favor. Concerning friends and family, the High Priestess brings very positive energy, caring, and affection. The High Priestess.When the King and Queen appear in combination in a relationship reading, this can reflect that both you and your partner desire having it all in life; the marriage, the kids, the pets, and a happy . The challenge here is to know whether this affair is a purely intellectual one, or if theres a way to advance on a meaningful relationship, one that needs patience and love above all. Major Arcana. The High Priestess tarot love meaning suggests that one needs patience, and trust for your intuition. And the veil does not conceal and protect anymore; it merely prohibits. The reversed High Priestess creates a dubious impression at best. After the Magician, who is active on all planes of existence, the High Priestess signals a pause from action to learn and reflect. You can fight for your opinions and your believes, and you have no fear of being different.With the 8 of pentacles it could mean you put a lot of efforts and energy to reach your goals when it's important to you. Sometimes, we dont have a specific question. Her love is sublime and unquestionable. Sometimes her words may sound harsh or evoke tension because the truth is not always easy to accept. A sign to sit quietly for a while, the High Priestess card is the opposite of action. Not involving unless you have all the information. Make no mistake; the person youre wondering about perceives you as a beautiful, unique, and mysterious being. In their attempt to justify their destructive patterns, they will find problems everywhere and often say hurtful things to establish their sense of superiority and false righteousness. She carries the scroll of Divine Law and has been associated with science, religion, and tradition. Maybe the answer is unclear because its too early to tell, or you have the answer but feel uncertain. What is Kim Kardashians Zodiac Sign? Patiently waiting is a virtue indeed, but it can turn into a burden. It refers to waiting for something that will never come and mistaking ignorance for wisdom. Two of Pentacles. The High Priestess can appear in situations when we chose to listen to our intuition. A reversed High priestess figure will place barriers around their true inner self so that even their conscious self cannot access it. If the High Priestess comes up for what they want to happen between you both, it indicates that they would like to explore this connection further and take things to the next level on a spiritual basis. The querent may have been ignoring the messages of their unconscious mind, and their motives may be dubious or selfish. Your email address will not be published. How will you become a complete being if you dont accept that we all make mistakes, but we also have great potential for wisdom and greatness? In most cases, the root of the problem is confusion, insecurities, guilt, and idle gossip. Emperor as How Someone Sees You While the High Priestess as an archetype transcends feelings and stands alone, she may appear as a guide for someone who doesnt entirely comprehend themselves and what theyre going through emotionally. Knowing what you feel means realizing that you are not your feelings, but you experience and radiate those feelings without letting them control your actions. How to shuffle your Tarot cards. If The High Priestess would sit in a horizontal position, it advises you to look deeper into yourself and others. If you are wondering about whether or not your plans and hopes will materialize, know that it may be quite a while until that happens. There may be two opposing feelings that are building up and have not surfaced yet. Her virtue is, as weve already established, patience. The High Priestess is one of those cards that can be quite difficult to interpret, which I think is exactly one of the meanings that applies best to this scenario. Even in an external conflict, where you begin to feel hurt, jealous, or alone, know that these states are only temporary. Maybe its time for introspection, to reconcile the conflict within. In reverse, the High Priestess is considered to be cold, stubborn, self-serving, and judgmental. The High Priestess, along with another card of the Pentacles Suit, foretells job and business opportunities. The High Priestess defines a situation where patience, stability, and reflection are of the utmost importance. 2 is the number that symbolizes duality, intuition, harmony, and union. You may not be able to always decipher your intuition correctly. To enter the mystical world, one has to be adequately prepared, for theres no greater benefit in life than knowledge and wisdom. You will find all the guidance you need when you trust in yourself and your inner voice. . You will learn an important lesson, or a secret will reveal itself. When the High Priestess is drawn for your short-term future, you can sit back and relax! She will most likely represent the woman of interest or the seeker if she is a woman. You feel exhausted, confused, and mentally drained, not knowing how to proceed forwards or who to trust and believe. To believe in a better future, first, you have to believe in yourself. It also indicates that there may be silence in regard to a job prospect, and so it may be worth looking at other options. You want to try new things, but you first analyze if it's better for you. Fool as How Someone Sees You. You may be misunderstanding words and intentions, scrutinizing details instead of just trusting yourselves and remembering that you are truly loved for who you are. Like one who has given up on all petty expectations and has faith in the will of the universe for better or for worse, the High Priestess urges those who seek her advice to look no further. The reversed High Priestess indicates isolation, coldness, jealousy, and passivity. The High Priestess appears as an obstacle in the form of a cold and distant maternal figure who smothers her child by being overprotective. Sarah believes the imagination knows no boundaries; it is not just a gift, but a privilege also, one utilized as a tool of exploration to penetrate the very core of our existence.Sarah has authored. For the negative points, you could also be too narrow minded and defensive. If you have started dating a new person, The High Priestess may indicate that your date may see you being sensual and mysterious. Furthermore, they may believe you can teach them the secrets of life, help them understand a different way to perceive the world, or at least offer support and warmth in times of trouble. You may meet someone special or learn something new. (with one exception which we'll get to!). As an obstacle card, the High Priestess has to nurture and listen to her inner voice. Each day has something new to teach you if look closely enough. Or it can be the querents doubts and anxieties that silence their inner voice, making them unable to participate, a motionless statue, an observer stuck between two worlds. It may also indicate that things are still moving behind the scenes. She suggests that there is no right or wrong or wrong way to go about this matter. She does not need affirmations because shes in control of her life and can make essential decisions. The answer can be negative but the tables can turn with a careful and considerate approach. If its about what someone else wants from you, be sure they mean well. This sublime image, however, may create the illusion that youre above the ordinary human life. Stay safe and enjoy the silence. It advises you to listen to your inner voice, to take some time out, and listen to what your intuition is trying to tell you. Imagine scented candles, old volumes of herbalism and Wicca sorcery, and a shrine dedicated to the Moon goddess Hecate. The High Priestess signifies an arrival to a new kind of awareness in the future. Maybe you already know the answer. Want to know what a certain Tarot card means for how someone sees you? That is the way of least interference. The High Priestess Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees you. In this kind of drawing, The High Priestess may come up straight, as well as reversed. You have waited long enough, and it is time for absolution. The two sides of all creation may clash in conflict and confusion but they are complementary to each other, and together they form a greater picture. If it is your partners behavior driving you crazy, then you need to break it off. All you got to do is have patience and faith! But a message of patience does not invite others to tread all over you. By observing from a distance and not interfering, she allows the natural course of events to unfold. Do research, if necessary, and stay strong and focused. Even five minutes a day, or one short hour when you particularly need it, will clear your mind of clutter and illusion. For sure, its better to be safe than sorry. If that be the case, consider the complications and consequences of wanting such a relationship. What Does the High Priestess Mean in Love & Relationships? Ensure you are in a place where you will not be disturbed. It isn't a reciprocal relationship; - Page of Swords is also a clever & inquisitive card, very fond of information & a desire to know e-v-e-r-y-thing. The person in question wants to feel safe and form a soul connection. For now, enjoy the calm and quiet of your home, a moment of appreciation and inner balance. The Swords Suit has a reputation for being a negative suit. You see I see both the Empress and High Priestess as the emodiment of 'feminine' energy. Magician as How Someone Sees You. What About the High Priestess in Reverse? These 5 Zodiac Signs Need to Watch Out When Mercury Goes Direct in Capricorn, 10 Vital Affirmations for Aquarius Season, A Tarot Spread to Uncover When You Will Find Love, Everything You Need to Know About Reversed Tarot Cards, Your Insightful March 2023 Numerology Forecast, Your Signs Weekly Tarotscope for March 6 12, 2023. To them, your presence radiates respect and adoration. They talk about themself and their issues incessantly but no one else is given that space. I keep thinking that High Priestess is a holder of secrets. This includes intuitive and Tarot readers, but therapists and psychologists as well. The Priestess card always represents honest, true feelings. Or it could be inactivity and wondering about what-could-have-been that gets to you. Shes beyond desire, passion, emotion, and petty thoughts. Finally, the High Priestess is also a symbol of the chasm between the worlds. It`s also nice having the Himalayan salt Lamp on in the background with my Crystal Tree of Life next to it. It could be a sign of moral reservations, shame, and holding back from what they want. Have faith in your abilities and choices. Its too soon to tell what will occur, so you might as well keep your thoughts to yourself for now. He bases his judgements on logic and fact and honesty NOT emotions. Loneliness and frustration, giving up on yourself and blindly trusting others, or simply being silent in a time when your voice needs to be heard; the negative aspects of the High Priestess define a state of mind where uncertainty, doubt, and passivity have taken the place of wisdom and enlightenment. The High Priestess advises patience and careful study in career matters. A relationship is never 50/50. To make the High Priestess work for you, try the following: Hold the High Priestess in your hand. The person of interest believes there's more than meets the eye with you. All you need to know about yourself or other people, you can draw for your intuition. There is a peculiar grace in the art of non-doing. - Page of wands is a bit immature, as all wands; - a hot temper, fiery, passionate, go-getter wham-bham here-today gone tomorrow 'Right Now' attitude; - as someone who's incapable of keeping her fire in check, i.e., hot-tempered; - Feelings suggested are probably very intense and warm toward you; - you have the potential to be loving and kind. Guardian of mysteries and teacher of the sacred, the High Priestess resides between the conscious and unconscious, between the material and the divine. Their unfathomable melancholy and sadness are only surpassed by the bright moonlight of their disarming smile. The High Priestess represents this concept more than any other card. The High Priestess As Feelings. On a deeper level, this card suggests patience and faith. This card is often a sign that you will meet someone who will greatly affect your emotional domain. Whenever desire is quelled by shame and self-restraint, and logic is overwhelmed by emotion, youll find that out of pure emotion there will always sprout inklings of a practical truth, and droplets of yearning will tug upon self-control.And so an inner push and pull ensues, where you can never seem to settle on a certain balance. She is, perhaps, the highest and holiest of all Tarot cards, guarding the veil that obscures a world of mystery while offering a silent invitation and a hint that everything is not what it seems. The seeker or the person of interest may be judging, repressing, and questioning their feelings instead of trusting them. In reverse, the High Priestess suggests that you will go through a time of confusion and passivity in the near future and not much will seem to be going on. For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the Empress can be a sign that someone has fallen in love with you and sees you as a potential life partner. The Priestess card urges you to think carefully and consider all your available options. Unify Cosmos is dedicated to seed the positive aspects in everyone life and we do this through promotion of spiritual initiatives. They can read others like they were open books and not because of keen eyesight. They also see you as a wise person who knows how to balance things out. Keeping the High Priestess Tarot card on your altar and gazing at it every now and then helps the energy of this card filter through your environment. It indicates that you have found peace and security in your relationship. Id love to hear about your experience. The word TORA is similar to the Torah, the first part of the Jewish bible. So, in case you are wondering how a person sees you and you get this card reversed, you may seem superficial, rigid, and out of their reach. After the active and keen Magician, the High Priestess is waiting patiently, passive and receptive, to prepare for the joyous, life-giving burst of energy represented by the Empress. It does not mean that any of you lack anything, but it may mean that the other is not your type, or you have gotten yourself so wrapped up in petty debates that you do not know how to get yourself out of it, so you just keep fighting. They may have been ignoring the signs and messages of life and looking for answers in the wrong place. You can be sure that the person of interest admires your patience, knowledge, sensibility, and intuition. And as for Pisces, they are the truly wise, old souls of the zodiac. Have you been hiding your true self, out of anxiety or stubbornness? Or you could be a little hot-tempered. Calm and assured, the High Priestess figure knows how to distance their personal matters or ego from a conflict. The High Priestess card points to a quiet, mystical and ancient place, like a shrine or a secluded temple. He is in a transformation and feels very low on self confidence. In an external conflict, it could signify losing your cool and letting others disrupt your inner peace with personal jabs. Reversed, this card describes a situation of anxiety and impatience. What Does the Moon in Virgo Mean for Each Zodiac Sign. This card is a sign to listen to your intuition and follow your gut feeling, a silent invitation to be still and know. It can be regarding opportunities or solving a situation at work. The High Priestess Tarot card is a deeply powerful and spiritual card, and if she has shown up for you in a reading, then her energies have a powerful meaning for you at this time. The High Priestess tarot card suggests that someone is very much in touch with their intuition and feelings and is able to read people and situations extremely well. If you have pulled the High Priestess Tarot card in a reading, then it means her energy has special meaning for you at this time! Often they will obsess over a person, try to approach them in an almost invasive way, or blame them for irrelevant matters. Meditation, Spirituality and Conscious Living. That is, if they do not hide away in shame. They are not easily triggered, facing their opposition only with knowledge and patience. Reversed, the High Priestess can be translated to emotions of guilt and shame. Perhaps the person you are wondering about was waiting for a sign of approval that you never offered. Hathor was the ancient Egyptian deity who gave birth to sky-god Horus and sun-god Ra, and a symbolic mother to their representatives on the Earth, the Pharaohs. While they may even adore you with reverence and devotion, they may be somewhat reserved towards you because of your mysterious aura. The High Priestess lives in a sacred space. The scroll of Divine Law becomes a list of arbitrary proclamations, shallow morality, and inflexible, selfish rules. It can indicate an actual person in the querents life, a family member or partner who had an unforgettable influence over them in the past in a disarming and smothering way. The Cup Suits represent emotions, feelings, relationships, and contract-ships. They are people who think they know, while they know nothing, and in their path towards oblivion, they would desecrate and diminish even the noblest heart. You also begin to notice patterns and subtleties that the universe wants you to know. Shes cautious, not shallow, nor celibate, offering herself so entirely that its beside the point to question the purity of her motives. You are able to see the connections between the two worlds and how they interact with one another. So they are a couple in a sense but more as archetypes and on a higher plane. The High Priestess holds the number 2, and it is the third Tarot Card of the Major Arcana cards.

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high priestess how someone sees you